Vice President of NCSD Visited and Met with Secretary-General of WCCO

Origin: WCCO

Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province – On July 31st, 2018 Ms. Tina Pei, the Vice President of Business Development of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) visited the World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization (WCCO), and met with the Secretary-General of WCCO.

Ms. Tina Pei had a good discussion with Madam Deng Qing, the Secretary-General of WCCO on the possible cooperation between WCCO and NCSD. Ms. Tina Pei expressed that she will assist WCCO in inviting the Mayor of the US Canal City to participate in the World Canal City Forum which will be held in Yangzhou City in October 12th. Madam Deng said, there are large number of canals in the United States, WCCO looks forward to cooperating with the US Canal Cities in China with NCSD’s assistance.

About NCSD—A national non-profit organization officially registered in the United States in accordance with 501(c)(3) of the Federal Government founded in 2001 and is headquartered at 1701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington DC. Since its founding, NCSD has been committed to promoting multi-level exchanges between China and the United States in the fields of education, energy and environment (“3E”), and demonstrating the concept and new methods of sustainable development through the implementation of demonstration projects in the 3E fields. The NCSD Council consists of several former senior U.S. government officials and key organizations’ principals. NCSD has established strategic partnership with the Clean Development Mechanism Fund Management Center of China under the Ministry of Finance, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Dongfang International Education Exchange Center under Ministry of Education, Chinese Agricultural Water-Saving & Rural Drinking Water Supply Technology Association of Ministry of Water Resources, the Energy Investment Professional Committee of China Investment Association and China Renewable Energy Association.
