The National Center For Sustainable Development Attends The Bertelsmann Stiftung And The CHINA Center For International Economic Exchanges Cooperation Global Governance And Sustainable Economic Development Conference BEIJING, CHINA On November 10,2010

December 5, 2010, Washington D.C. – At the invitation of Bertelsmann Stiftung (“Bertelsmann Foundation”) and The China Center for International Economic Exchanges (“CCIEE”), the National Center for Sustainable Development (“NCSD”), represented by two of its Trustees, Mr. Damian Omar Valdez and Mr. Eric Fang attended the Global Governance and Sustainable Economic Development Conference in Beijing on November 10th.

The China Center for International Economic Exchanges and the Bertelsmann Foundation held a very successful joint conference on Global Governance and Sustainable Economic Development on 10 November 2010 at the Beijing Hotel, China.

Policymakers and experts from China and other countries gathered to discuss evolving global economic governance and chart new paths for more stable and sustainable global economic and financial architectures. The conference was an open forum for international participants to exchange ideas on equal ground. On behalf of the NCSD, Mr. Valdez served as a panelist at the conference on Global Development: Spurring Innovation and Sustainability. He joined other panelists, including Han Wenke, Director General, Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission of China (“NDRC”), He Jiankun, Vice Chairman, China Experts Panel on Climate Change, Director, Low-Carbon Energy Lab of Tsinghua University, and Mr. Denis Fred Simon, Professor, School of International Affairs, Penn State University. The panel was moderated by Mr. Alan Larsson, Chairman, Lund University and Former Finance Minister, Sweden.

About the NCSD

The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD), United States national 501 (c) (3), not-for-profit corporation, was founded and chartered in 2001 and reaffirmed as a public charity in 2006. The original mission of the NCSD was to pursue through demonstration projects – the economic benefits that accrue to local communities once positive environmental land use practices are in place that ensure standards of human health and safety. NCSD, working through its supporting organization from 2001-2009, the Brownfields Stewardship Fund (“BSF”), helped local communities and state governments to achieve community renewal and job creation. At the same time, the NCSD directly and effectively confronted environmentally contaminated sites that blocked the path to renewal and economic benefit. Working with Federal and state regulators in the U.S., sites previously deemed too complicated and costly to mitigate were, through innovative example, shown to have a solution; sometime a relatively simple and cost effective solution.

With the same approach through demonstration projects, the Board of Trustees has as of September 2009 approved augmenting the NCSD’s mission to include our most important global public policy issue – climate change and low carbon development. In late 2009, the NCSD jointly launched the China-US Low Carbon Development Cooperation Program (“China-US Program”) in conjunction with the China Clean Development Mechanism Fund (“CDM Fund”), a Chinese not-for-profit organization established by the Government of China and with its operational entity managed by the Ministry of Finance of China. For more information on the NCSD, please visit

For more information on the Bertelsmann Foundation, visit

For more information on China Center for International Economic Exchanges, visit
