Secretary General of CBCGDF Meet with NCSD Delegation

Beijing, NCSD, October 31st


October 30th, 2017 Secretary-General Zhou Jinfeng of CBCGDF (China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation) met with Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Chairman & founder of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD), Mr. Eric Fang, the President of NCSD, Mr. Craig Modesitt, Chairman and CEO of ENFOS and others of the team. The two sides exchanged views and discussed the global environmental issues facing both China and United States and potential solutions, and expressed their willingness to further explore the possibility of cooperation in eco-restoration, environmental remediation and eco-big data cloud service solution that will help CBCGDF to effectively manage not only the current but future biodiversity projects.

(Words by NCSD; Photo by CBCGDF)
