NCSD Management Team will participate in the UCIS 2017

The U.S. – China Innovation and Investment Summit (UCIS) 2017 will be held on May 16th and 17th in Houston, Texas. Mr. Mitchell Stanley, the Chairman of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD), and Mr. Eric Fang, the President of NCSD will participate in the UCIS 2017 as Host Committee members.

The UCIS 2017 is co-sponsored by the China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC) and the US CHINA Innovation Alliance (UCIA. The conference is being supported at the highest levels of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Consulate-General of China in Houston, the Governor’s Office of Texas and the City of Houston. The UCIS 2017 aims to promote and deepen innovation cooperation and exchange between China and the United States, to facilitate collaboration between innovative technology companies, investors, institutional accelerators and incubators. The goal of this collaboration is to help Chinese enterprises to better understand advanced technologies and high tech products located in the United States, and to help US-based technology companies access the Chinese market.

The UCIS 2017 will bring together more than 500 participants (approximately 150 Chinese technology companies and 200 investors from China, and 150 innovative technology companies and entrepreneurs from the U.S. The goal of the participants is to find cross-border opportunities in a range of focused industries of Healthcare and Biotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing and New Materials, Renewable Energy and Clean Tech, Information and Communication Technology, Agriculture and Food Safety.

As one of the co-organizers of the UCIS 2017, NCSD will showcase its new venture in Houston to provide a permanent home for Chinese American innovation and exchange in environmental protection, new energy and the medical field. NCSD will continue to actively participate in the vital work of helping to build the cooperative bridge between innovative technology enterprises in both China and the United States.

For more information and registration for the Conference, please visit:
