Mr. Chen Huan and Dr. Wen Gang of the CDM Fund Visit NCSD at Washington

Washington, DC, November 10, 2009 — The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) announced today the visit to Washington of Mr. Chen Huan and Dr. Wen Gang of the CDM Fund Management Office (CDMF) in Beijing, China and the execution of a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to guide the further interaction of both organizations. The visit is the culmination of the development stage of a strategic collaboration and partnership between the two not for profit organizations focused on climate change.

The development stage conclusion coincides with Mr. Chen joining the NCSD Board of Trustees and Dr. Wen Gang joining the Executive Management Team. Mr. Chen and Dr. Wen reside in Beijing and work there for the CDM Fund Management Office, which administers the CDM Fund under the authority of the CDM Fund Board and directly the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Chen’s participation of the Board of Trustees and Dr. Wen’s participation on the Executive Management Team will signal the beginning of the implementation phase of the joint efforts. Also, the NCSD Board will adopt and launch the China-US Global Warming and Low Carbon Development Cooperation Program.

Mr. Chen will be part of a much larger delegation attending meetings at the World Bank in preparation for joining China’s delegation to the Copenhagen Climate Summit. Mr. Chen expressed the CDM Fund commitment to taking an active role in helping to support projects and efforts to show practical solutions for joint China-US reductions in GHG emissions and to more actively promote the goals of the new low carbon economy.
