分类: 新闻

NCSD Signed Strategic Agreement with Guiyang Free Trade Zone Management Committee

Guiyang City, Guizhou Province – On June 27th, 2018 representing NCSD, Mr. Eric Fang, President of the National Center for Sustainable Development (“NCSD”) signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Guiyang Free Trade Zone Management Committee (“GFTZMC”). According to the agreement, the Parties will cooperate to establish a “China-US Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) Innovation Cooperation Park” in the Guiyang Free Trade Zone (“Innovation Cooperation Park”). The “Innovation Cooperation Park” will provide professional and diversified innovative business management services and to promote direct exchange and cooperation between United States and Guiyang SMEs whom are keen to open innovative collaboration in technology, investment and market access to accelerate their growth. The “Innovation Cooperation Park” will closely work with NCSD to bring American resources to collaborate with Chinese SMEs in Guiyang. “Guiyang city honors NCSD and the shared traditions of America and China’s 250 year working collaboration of ideas, trade and problem solving. By creating this first of its kind SME innovation exchange park facility in China, Guiyang has shown hospitality and willingness to help create solutions with American Small Businesses. The technologies to be cultivated in the park will make Guiyang the focal point of practical cost effective solutions that coincide and respond to the new opening up policies of the Central Government across the vastness of China.” Mitchell Stanley, Chairman of NCSD added.

Senior Managements of NCSD & ENFOS Was Invited to Attend the Big Data Expo 2018

At the invitation from the Guiyang Mayor Chen Yan and the China International Big Dada Industry Expo 2018, Eric Fang, President of NCSD and Chairman of Sinoaccess Group, Craig Modesitt, Founder & CEO of ENFOS (NCSD Trustee Board Member) participated at the Big Data Expo 2018 along with the Chinese partners Hunan Kylin Group. During the Big Data Expo 2018, Craig Modesitt was invited to be the guest speaker at the Data Based Intelligent Governance Forum on Eco-Environmental shared Management Economy with a full house participants. The key message to the conference participants were that environment is the ultimate sharing economy, not in the traditional sense, but in an absolute sense. China’s citizens like the rest of the world, all share the same environment—the same air, the same water, the same soil. Our environment is man’s ultimate inheritance and that all of us are connected through and to the environment we share. Therefore every citizen in China shared the same responsibility to act and to prevent environmental damages and with ENFOS’ 18 years of experiences in managing environmental data, people in China can learn how to manage it through modern data management tool. During the Expo 2018, ENFOS and Hunan Kylin Group partnership introduced ENFOS environmental risk and liability management with Hunan Kylin security management solution to China market. Guiyang Mayor Chen Yan and Deputy Mayor Xu Hao paid a special visit to ENFOS/Kylin booth and Mayor Chen expressed his support to have the ENFOS solution as a flagship solution to bring Guiyang to the forefront of China’s eco-environmental risk and liability management solution. Hunan Kylin and the local partners formed a company namely Global Kylin Technology Company to pursue, as ENFOS partner, to build the first of its kind solution platform in China.

NCSD Chairman Receive Xinhua News Agency’s Interview During UCIS Summit

HOUSTON, May 16 (Xinhua) — China has unique advantages in helping small American companies grow and develop, Mitchell Stanley, chairman of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) told Xinhua here Tuesday. During an interview at the third U.S.-China Innovation and Investment Summit (UCIS), Mr. Stanley said China has the right regulatory approach to developing businesses. “It also has the right abilities with resources, such as capital, and other incentives to grow businesses, and, frankly, a welcoming hand for American small businesses,” he added. The NCSD signed on Tuesday a memorandum of understanding with EnergyWorks, a small U.S. company working on turning waste into useful products. Mr. Stanley believed that with environmental concerns increasing in China, EnergyWorks’ technology will be a perfect match for the Chinese market.”The company has tremendous potential for helping China overcome many of its problems, as it begins to grow exponentially, in need for both food and energy while keeping the environment relatively pristine,” he said. President and CEO of EnergyWorks Patrick Thompson said: “China, with its new central government policies to prioritize quality and environment, recognizes the need for the kind of solutions that we have. We think it’s a great opportunity for our company to participate in the changes that’s going on in China.” The two-day UCIS, which ended Tuesday, featured a range of events, including innovation forums and B2B matchmaking, among other activities. The summit not only enabled Chinese entrepreneurs to learn about the development of science and technology in the United States, but also allowed for contact with American companies. The UCIS was listed as the one of the key programs in the area of science and technology under the first U.S.-China Social and Cultural Dialogue, which was co-chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and then Chinese Vice Premier […]






2018年3月30-31日,美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)理事及总裁方洪先生、副总裁张乐郊先生、商务副总裁裴习梅女士、金融管理高级副总裁张永京先生一行前往内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市进行商务考察。 乌兰察布市费市长、常务副市长苏和、市农牧局副局长刘永祥、市科技局副局长何俊义、市扶贫办副主任李献、市金融办副主任李骏、市经合办副主任张瑞宾、市环保局环评科科长赵锁军、市教育局组织人事科科长马向平、市政府外事办副科长白雪会见了NCSD代表团,双方就航空航天、农业高科技、环境大数据应用、新能源生物质乙醇、幼儿扶贫教育、引进人才等可能合作的领域进行了交流与讨论。参加此次会面的还有中鑫金控投资管理有限公司苏荣董事长、内蒙古阿牧日草原食品有限公王俪董事长司、内蒙古荣斌房地产有限公司聂海涛董事长。


转载新闻 2018-03-28 中国石油流通协会 2018年3月27日上午,中国石油流通协会仓储物流委员会成立大会暨中国流通协会与上海石油天然气交易中心战略合作签约仪式在上海成功举行。中国石油流通协会会长邸建凯、上海石油天然气交易中心董事长李健、各国驻上海领事、中国石油流通协会仓储物流专业委员会第一届理事会单位、会员单位以及行业嘉宾200余人出席会议。 中国石油流通协会会长邸建凯在成立大会上的致辞中强调,成立中国石油流通协会仓储物流专业委员会的初衷,是响应石油流通行业对新时代能源发展之路的期盼,是为石油天然气领域的企业而搭建的专业油气仓储物流对接平台、走出去平台、信息交流平台。中国石油流通协会仓储物流专业委员会的成立将促进行业自律,会员交流和项目对接。协会与上海石油天然气交易中心签署战略合作协议,将为协会的会员企业带来新的发展机遇和搭建新的平台。 成立大会按流程审议通过了《中国石油流通协会仓储物流专业委员会管理办法》。选举通过了仓储物流专业委员会名誉理事长、理事长、监事长、副理事长、秘书长等领导组成人员。 中国石油流通协会仓储物流专业委员会当选理事长龚家龙在讲话中表示,“油气储备不足正日益成为制约我国油气产业持续发展的突出因素。油气仓储物流的调节作用显得尤为突出,能延伸油气合作的上下游产业链条,形成生产运输销售贸易平台。他阐述了本届理事会的主要工作目标和思路,表示将严格按照协会章程和专业委员会管理办法,发展会员,团结会员,服务会员,不辱使命、不负重托,切实履行好理事长的职责。 在成立大会上,中国石油流通协会与上海石油天然气交易中心进行了战略合作签约仪式,双方将共同携手将上海市建设成为国际能源贸易中心之一。中国石油流通协会与上海石油天然气交易所,将依托协会会员企业的炼油和仓储物流能力,与上海石油天然气交易所的国际金融交易及清算能力互联互通,共同推进石油天然气现货交易发展,这将是中国石油天然气迈向国际市场的重要一步。



贵阳市长陈晏会见美国ENFOS公司总裁克雷格•莫德西特一行 推进务实合作 加快项目落地 实现互利共赢

转载新闻 2018-03-24 贵阳广播电视台 3月23日,市委副书记、市长陈晏会见美国恩福斯(ENFOS)总裁克雷格•莫德西特一行,就加快合作项目落地,推动贵阳市与美国休斯顿市缔结友好城市关系等达成共识。 陈晏对克雷格•莫德西特一行表示欢迎,并简要介绍贵阳市经济社会发展情况,诚邀参加2018数博会。他说,贵阳市正深入学习宣传贯彻党的十九大精神和全国“两会”精神,按照省委、省政府战略部署,高一格快一步深一层推进大扶贫、大数据、大生态战略行动。ENFOS公司在运用大数据手段进行环境保护和生态治理方面拥有成熟经验、领先技术、专业团队,与贵阳发展战略高度契合,双方合作空间广阔、潜力巨大,希望ENFOS公司把更多资源、项目带到贵阳,发挥技术、资金、人才等方面优势,推动生态环境大数据应用管理平台项目尽快落地建设。贵阳市将加强与NCSD的沟通交流,积极推动与美国休斯敦市结为友好城市关系,实现深层次、多领域的合作发展。 克雷格•莫德西特对贵阳市给予的支持表示感谢,并表达了参加数博会的意愿。他说,ENFOS公司将深化与贵阳的务实合作,以贵阳为主轴加快战略布局,把更多优势资源带到贵阳,加快生态环境大数据应用管理平台落地建设,为贵州乃至中国生态文明建设和环境保护提供更多更好的解决方案。 市委常委、常务副市长徐昊,美国国家可持续发展研究中心(NCSD)总裁兼ENFOS中国区总裁方洪,湖南麒麟信息工程技术公司副总裁任启,贵州省国际国内公共关系协会会长齐新潮,市政府秘书长刘本立参加。 (记者:唐天鸿 高雪梅 编辑:陈萌 责编:刘露)

Mayor of Guiyang City Met with NCSD& ENFOS Senior Managements

GuiYang City – On March 23rd, 2018 Mr. Chen Yan, the Mayor of Guiyang City of Guizhou Province, met with Mr. Eric Fang, President of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) and Mr. Craig Modesitt, CEO of ENFOS Inc. on a official visit to Guiyang City. In the meeting, parties reached consensus on accelerating the establishment of Guiyang Ecological Environmental risk and liability management platform based ENFOS’18 yeas of data management technology and experiences. Mayor Chen also expressed the desire to potentially establish a sister City relationship with Houston, Texas and with NCSD’s assistance in communicating with Houston Mayor’s office. The potential relationship establishment between Guiyang City and Houston will help to build a better business collaboration environment between two cities. Mr. Eric Fang expressed that NCSD as an NGO will continue to bridge good business cooperation between United States and China and bringing ENFOS environmental management data solution into Guiyang is only the beginning. Mr. Craig Modesitt stated that ENFOS will work closely with Guiyang Government to bring 18 years of environmental management experiences and technology solution to help Guiyang to manage its environmental liability and rick associated with. ENFOS will show case the advance data management solutions and allow Guiyang government agencies, institutions and enterprises to better manage the environmental issues to demonstrate stewardship. Mr. Xu Hao, the Executive Deputy Mayor of Guiyang city, Mr. Ren Qi, Vice President of KYLIN Group, Mr. Qi Xinchao, Chairman of Guizhou International and Domestic Public Relations Association also attended the meeting.

NCSD Delegation will be participating at the 2018 UCIS in Houston, Texas

The 3rd U.S.-China Innovation and Investment Summit (UCIS) will be held May 14th-15th, 2018 in Houston, Texas. As UCIS partner, Washington, DC based National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) team including its US and China partners lead by Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Chairman and Mr. Eric Fang, President will participate UCIS 2018 Summit. The 2018 UCIS Summit has received great support from the Chinese and American governments, providing valuable resources and crucial access to facilitate and promote collaboration between innovative technology companies, preferred investors, small business accelerators and incubators from the US and China. Growing over the past two years, this event has become one of the signature international investment summits in the southern United States! The UCIS 2018 will bring together more than 500 participants: approximately 150 representatives of technology companies and 200 investors from China, and more than 200 representatives of innovative technologies and companies from the U.S. who are seeking cross-border opportunities across a range of focused industries. “On the occasion of the 2018 US China Innovation and Investment Summit (UCIS) we meet again in Houston, Texas to share ideas, needs, challenges and successes in using technology and cooperation to manage and build a more inclusive, optimistic and more verdant future. China and the US are not on a collision course rising out of competition but a cooperative parallel course rooted in our mutual history, shared values and long term interests. China and America share a two hundred year history of beneficial trade, shared sacrifice and shared educational innovation and achievement. This conference, growing as it does each year; with the best of America and China, is a valuable opportunity for learning and relationship building in the City of Houston which is sometimes described as ‘China’s gateway to the United States.’” stated Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Chairman of NCSD. […]

NCSD Attended China Investment Association EIC Inaugural Meeting

January 20th, 2018 – Representing NCSD, Mr. Eric Fang, President of NCSD and Chairman of Sinoaccess Group was invited to attend the inaugural meeting of Energy Investment Committee (EIC) of China Investment Association in Beijing. More than 100 key members, representatives and industry experts from China Energy Investment Committee participated in the meeting. The Energy Investment Committee is an industry professional organization under China Investment Association. Its goal is to work with the government energy policy related agencies, local governments, industry institutions and enterprises in assisting in framework establishment, providing policy related studies to promote industry innovation, green and renewable energy transformation and technology improvement. EIC has been and will continue to focus on energy efficiency, low carbon emissions energy infrastructure, and green finance policy studies to help to build a better energy infrastructure in China. As an industry expert group, EIC mission is to assist both government agencies and industry groups in terms of policies, development frameworks establishment and serve as liaison between government and industry. Through the establishment of demonstration project platform, green financing platform, think-tank research platform, and industry datamining management platform, EIC will help to enhance the green technology innovation, build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, and collaborate with the international energy community to further push energy efficiency in China. Mr. Mitchell Stanley, the Chairman of NCSD was appointed as a member of Chief Expert Group of EIC, Mr. Eric Fang was appointed as an Executive Member of EIC Council, Mr. Arnold Klan, NCSD board member and CEO of Bluefire Renewable Energy was appointed as EIC advisor.