


11月1日,美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)总裁方洪先生代表美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(SBC)访问成都实验外国语学校(西区),并与肖明华校长友好座谈。 在参观成都实外西区校园并听取肖明华校长对学校的简要介绍后,方洪先生对这所充满活力,注重素质教育与国际化教育,并多个领域取得卓越成绩的学校给予了高度评价,并表示将尽全力推动SBC与成都实验外国语学校(西区)的合作成功。 肖明华校长与方洪先生还在座谈中就双方可能合作的项目和领域进行了深入探讨,并就双方未来的合作方向和战略达成初步共识:尽快安排双方校长互访,加深两个学校间的了解;互访之后如果双方达成合作意愿,且合作条件满足,成都实验外国语学校(西区)将对双方合作开始实施宣传工作;并启动以培养女性领导力为方向的“女生班”筹建工作,最快2017年开始正式对外招生;成都实验外国语学校(西区)有意向安排学生利用寒暑假前往SBC实地体验和考察,最快安排学生在2017年初寒假期间考察SBC;成都实验外国语学校(西区)将把SBC纳入其国际班以及高三毕业生符合条件有意向留学美国的候选学校之一;成都实验外国语学校(西区)希望与SBC就上述可能合作的项目形成合作备忘录,尽快启动和推进合作进程。


10月30日,美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)总裁方洪先生代表美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(SBC)参观访问了四川成都文理学院,并与接待的陈院长和谢院长就两个学院可能合作的领域和项目进行了讨论。 SBC建于1901年,是全美知名的女子文理学院;学校占地3250英亩,是全美最美丽的校园之一。SBC是全美仅有的两所获ABET(美国工程技术认证委员会)认证,能提供工程学位的女子学院之一。自建校以来,SBC始终专注女性学生教育。SBC希望在年轻女性教育、女性领导力培养,以及师资培训等方面能与成都文理学院建立合作关系。

NCSD Senior Management Meeting With Senior Officials of Soong Ching Ling Foundation

On August 11th, 2016, Mr. Mitchell F. Stanley, Chairman of the National Center of Sustainable Development (NCSD) and a senior NCSD management group visited the Soong Ching Ling Foundation (SCLF), and met with Mr. Qi Ming-qiu, Executive Vice Chairman of SCLF, Mr. Jing Dun-quan, Vice Chairman and other senior officials from the SCLF Departments of Fund Management and International Cooperation. Mr. Qi welcomed to the second visit of Mr. Stanley and the NCSD team, and introduced the SCLF cooperative and educational mission, recent program developments and achievements made especially in Sino-US cultural and educational exchanges. Mr. Qi gave his support to the education, cultural and charity programs which NCSD and SCLF will cooperate and assist one another to accomplish their similar goals both in China and the United States Mr. Stanley gave a short briefing of works and programs that NCSD has been carrying on, and expressed that NCSD looks forward to working with SCLF closely and cooperating successfully in future. Both Parties held an in depth discussion of an innovative cultural and educational project known as China House and the China Dream. Both NCSD and SCLF hope to jointly develop, and setup program schedule, and decided to establish a task force organized by both parties especially for the China House cooperative program. Both NCSD and SCLF will conduct a follow up meeting in Washington, DC in mid September in order to expand understanding and develop logistical timetables for implementation of agreed upon first steps. These steps are an effort to help expand understanding and knowledge of both societies toward a better understanding of what both societies can do to cooperate and understand each others’ history, geography and many of the societal issues American and Chinese people face in common.


2016年8月9日上午,斯威特布莱尔学院(SBC)副校长Nancyellen Keane女士,及合作伙伴美国国家可持续发展中心主席Mitchell Stanley先生在SBC中国办公室亲自接待了刚刚在 CCTV“中国好学生”英语大赛高中组获得第一名的李田恬同学,详细解答了她提出的全部有关SBC申请、专业选择、学院生活等等她非常关心问题。李田恬同学非常幸运在“中国好学生”大赛上获得了SBC颁发的全额奖学金。她本人计划于2017年秋季进入SBC学习。


2016年8月5日至9日,斯威特布莱尔学院副校长Nancyellen女士、美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)主席Mitchell Staley先生、总裁方洪先生接受首届CCTV“中国好学生”英语大赛组委会邀请,作为大赛特邀评委参加了在京举办的“中国好学生”大赛总决赛。 “中国好学生”英语大赛决赛选手产生自全国各地举办的4级竞赛,包括海选、市赛、省赛和全国半决赛,经过多轮角逐后,优胜者获得参加全国总决赛机会。 “中国好学生” 国际评审团由来自美国的乔治•华盛顿大学环境与能源管理研究院(EEMI),全美十佳女子学院的美国斯威特布莱尔学院(SBC),美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)等十余家国际名校代表组成。海外评委与学生面对面交流,为学生提供了直面国际名校的国际教育交流平台。许多优秀学子在比赛中得到了国际名校的青睐,在未来的求学之路上抢得了先机。 CCTV“中国好学生”英语大赛旨在展示中国学生的素养和风采,激发他们的学习兴趣和成长动力,还将为国内外学校选拔中国学生时提供具有国际名校水平的语言及能力测试平台,为中国优秀学生提供更多的海内外求学、发展机会。 2016年CCTV“中国好学生”英语大赛高中组第一名,来自中国成都的李田恬(Lily Li)同学成功获得美国斯威特布莱尔学院(SBC)提供的全额奖学金。


2016年7月20日,美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)总裁方洪先生、副总裁李柔强女士受邀参加河北衡水中学于举办的第四届国际文化教育艺术节开幕式。衡水市政府领导、及来自19个国家和地区的100余名国际友人参加了此次盛会。 在开幕式上,NCSD总裁方洪先生与衡水中学张文茂校长作为合作双方的代表,参加了NCSD-衡水中学教育示范基地的授牌仪式。

From Beijing to Sweet Briar College in fall 2016

Huang Yingxue grew up in Beijing. She went to Iowa after attending one year in high school in Beijing. In Iowa, she was the only Chinese student. She spoke English all the time which helped her improve her language skills. Since she was on her own, she had to learn to be independent and make connections with people. A study abroad program agency helped her find a host family in Alameda, California. She then studied at Alameda High School, which was about a ten-minute walk from her host family. She really enjoyed her time with her host family. She is thankful for the experience in California, but at the time, she remembers the hard times dealing with loneliness and disappointment on her own. In this blog, Ms. Huang shares her high school experience in California and advice on U.S. undergraduate applications. Ms Huang has been accepted to Sweet Briar College in fall 2016. 1. Which high school did you attend? Does your school have counselors who help students with overseas college application? I graduated from Alameda High School, which is located in California, USA. Our school has multiple counselors who help high school students (especially juniors and seniors) with their college applications. Since California is a state full of international students, and the counselors are very experienced, we can find help easily. 2. When did you start the application process? I started at the beginning of my senior year, which was pretty late and I don’t recommend others to start in senior year. Most students in the United States started to prepare for the application process during their junior year. They started to take the SAT test when they are juniors. International students should prepare for TOEFL at the same time. 3. Who/ What helped you most to prepare your […]


4月28日,李强民总领事会见美国可持续发展中心(NCSD)总裁米切尔·斯坦利以及同中国企业探讨可再生能源、环保领域合作的蓝火公司总裁阿诺德·柯兰、恩福斯(ENFOS)公司总裁克雷格·莫德西特等,就中美在教育、可再生能源以及环保等领域合作交换意见。总领馆经商参赞曹德荣陪同参加会见。 Original:

Sweet Briar President Phillip Stone and Beijing Royal School Head of School Dr. Wang Guangfa develop strategies for sharing faculty, students, ideas

Head of Beijing Royal School Dr. Wang Guangfa traveled to Sweet Briar College to see for himself the historic 3,250 acre-campus of woods, riding trails and meadows that he learned about in China. The Beijing Royal School, the first joint venture school in Beijing, each year sends students to elite universities around the world. “As soon as I saw a place of such beauty and such academic depth and breadth, I knew we had to work together,” Wang said of the 115-year-old liberal arts college. “Sweet Briar represents a special opportunity for young Chinese women to prepare for a life of leadership.” In partnership with the Washington, D.C.-based National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD), Sweet Briar in March added to its international programs a women’s leadership program specifically for Chinese students. Prompted by the Chinese government’s goal of preparing Chinese women for leadership roles in government, business and education, the new Women’s Leadership Program will bring highly qualified young Chinese women to study liberal arts and STEM at Sweet Briar. Home to one of only two accredited engineering Bachelor of Science programs at a women’s college, Sweet Briar offers STEM studies as well as pre-professional programs in pre-medicine and pre-veterinary medicine. Chinese students can major or minor in these programs and at the same time benefit from coursework in traditional liberal arts areas such as classics, creative writing, art history and dance. In total, Sweet Briar offers more than 40 programs. During summer sessions, Chinese students will study political leadership in Washington, D.C. Chinese students will also benefit from Sweet Briar’s internationally renowned riding program. After he viewed Sweet Briar’s indoor riding arena — one of the largest in the country — its 20 equestrian fields, and some of the 18 miles of riding trails, Wang said, “Even if a […]

Sweet Briar College reaches to China in new partnership for students

In the midst of a year of rebuilding, Sweet Briar College has entered a new partnership to recruit Chinese women to the school. It’s teaming up with the National Center for Sustainable Development, a nonprofit based in Washington D.C. and in Beijing. The agreement launching the new program came this month after Sweet Briar President Phillip Stone and other leaders from the college visited Beijing in late February. “I was not just looking for an opportunity to go run to China for a week, but this was developing very quickly and in an interesting way,” Stone said. The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) will recruit high school students for a women’s leadership program, with hopes of attracting at least some students for the next school year. Sweet Briar will help compensate NCSD for its efforts and the college vet the students through its own application process and conduct Skype interviews to get to know the women and check their English proficiency. Students in the program would attend Sweet Briar College for four years to obtain a bachelor’s degree in whichever major they chose, just like other Sweet Briar students. During the summers, though, NCSD is working to arrange special classes, programming and internships in Washington D.C. aimed at familiarizing Chinese students with how U.S. government works. Notably, this is NCSD’s first foray into recruiting Chinese students for a U.S. school. The organization is focused on building bilateral relations between American and Chinese people via demonstration projects related to the environment, energy and education. NCSD president Mitchell F. Stanley, who founded the organization in 2001, has an interesting and varied background. Among many other government positions, he said he worked as a staffer in the Reagan White House for a couple years, and then led and organized the first presidential […]

Sweet Briar launches Women’s Leadership Program for exceptional Chinese students

Sweet Briar College, in partnership with the Beijing- and Washington, D.C.-based National Center for Sustainable Development, is adding a new international program for Chinese women students. Driven in part by the Chinese government’s goal of preparing Chinese women for leadership roles in government, business, industry and education, the College’s new Women’s Leadership Program will bring highly qualified young Chinese women to Sweet Briar to study liberal arts as well as STEM. Sweet Briar President Phillip C. Stone announced the program after a recent trip to China, where Sweet Briar and NCSD prepared to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Chinese Ministry of Education’s Dongfang International Center for Education Exchange. “While in China, I was thrilled to learn of the enormous interest in women’s college education, even though higher education dedicated solely to women is rare,” Stone said. “And there is recognition that while engineering, technology and science education is important, immersion in the humanities prepares young women for deeper, broader leadership. This will be especially important as tomorrow’s leaders navigate China’s relationship with the United States.” Through the program, Chinese students will live and study at Sweet Briar’s historic 3,250-acre campus in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Home to one of only two programs at a women’s college granting an ABET-accredited engineering degree, Sweet Briar offers STEM studies as well as pre-professional programs in pre-law, pre-medicine and pre-veterinary medicine. Like all Sweet Briar students, Chinese women can major or minor in these programs and at the same time benefit from coursework in traditional liberal arts areas such as classics, creative writing, art history and dance. In total, Sweet Briar offers more than 40 programs for academic credit. In June 2015, at the seventh U.S.-China Women’s Leadership Exchange and Dialogue, Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong called on China […]


The delegation of Sweet Briar College (SBC) and the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) met with Jing Dunquan, Vice Chairman of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (CSCLF) on February 25th, 2016. Jing Dunquan extended his welcome and introduced CSCLF’s all kinds of works to the delegation. Jing Sunquan hoped, through mutual deeply understanding, both sides would set up a closely cooperative relations in the fields of civil exchange and education for woman, in order to promote the relations of both countries. Mr. Stone, president of SBC and Mr. Stanley, Chairman of NCSD also shared their opinions, saying that through visiting Soong Ching-Ling’s lifetime exhibition, they have a comprehensive idea about the great lady, and her success is a model to the education of woman. They hoped both China and US should learn from each other on woman’s education and female leadership. They also hoped to have more opportunities to communicate face to face with Chinese students through the cooperation with CSCLF, and discover potential students to study in SBC, in order to develop SBC to an internationalized college. Both sides had a deep discussion on the Sino-US exchanges and female leadership and promised to further develop their cooperation and exchanges in future. Background: Sweet Briar College (SBC) is a traditional female college, which dedicates to help girls to explore their potential. Education is one of the outstanding subjects in SBC, and arts and social science are also welcomed by the students. The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) is an NGO in US. It dedicates to promote Sino-US exchanges and developments to deepen mutual understanding and better active and harmonious ties of both countries. Original: