

NCSD Senior Management Team Attended 2019 US-China Innovation and Investment Summit in Houston

Houston, Texas–The 2019 US China Innovation andInvestment Summit (UCIS) jointly hosted by China Science & Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC) and US-China Innovation Alliance (UCIA) was held on May 16th-17th, 2019 in Houston, Texas. The 2019 UCIS Conference invited Texas innovation institutions, including Texas Medical Center, Capital Factory, US Small Business Administration, University of Texas, Masschallenge, and Houston Expontential. More than 400 participants, including Chinese enterprises and investors participated in the conference to share the positive experiences of product innovation, technology advancement and investment opportunities. The conference is a perfect environment for networking between the participants seeking collaboration, marketing opportunities, and investment opportu-nities. Growing over the past three years, this event is one of the most successful in-vestment summits in the United States! As a UCIS partner, Washington, DC based National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) team including its US and China partners lead by Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Chairman and Mr. Eric Fang, President participated the conference. NCSD has, over the last 10 years, actively engaged in helping American small businesses in investment, technology deployment and protection and market access. This is the fourth conference at which NCSD held a significant partnership role in bringing the small businesses together providing a vital work of helping to build the cooperative bridge in renewable energy, environment, agricultural nutrient recycling, life science and healthcare sectors between Chinese and American small businesses. During the conference, NCSD executed an MOU with UCIA. According to the MOU, the Parties will cooperate in investment, financing and market access in the fields of medical devices, digital health and diagnosis, environmental technology, in-formation and communication technology, biopharma, energy, materials, advanced manufacturing, and education. The highlight of the UCIS conference, was NCSD’s execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with Zhuhai Dayang International Exchange Group (Zhuhai Dayang) from China on Cooperation in […]

NCSD and Boda Group Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement in Beijing

Beijing February 27, 2019– NCSD signed a strategic cooperation agreement with BODA International Holding Group Co. Ltd. (“Boda Group”). According to the agreement, the Parties will cooperate to introduce strategic healthcare resources for “China Longevity City Center” project, which is promoted by Boda Group within five key province regional economic development center in China. The Parties will jointly establish Sino-US Healthcare Think Tank to tackle comprehensive long term healthcare issues with in-depth research and study in cutting-edge applied medical sciences, life sciences, psychiatric mental health applications, disease prevention and control, and public health. The objective is to produce reference research products to help the future comprehensive healthcare system improvements in China with a global perspective. The Parties will use the five regional development centers of the “China Longevity City” to rapidly promote the U.S. advanced Rapid DNA identification technology, State of art Cardiovascular VAD instruments, and mental healthcare services in phase one development. Both party agreed to further promote small and medium-sized enterprises exchange between China and the United States in energy, environmental and education.


来源: 河长制研究与培训中心



来源:新华网 新华社北京1月24日电(记者于文静)— 目前,全国已全面建立湖长制。2019年,水利部将指导督促地方压实湖长职责,强化督导考核,促进湖泊面貌持续改善,推动湖长制从“有名”到“有实”转变。 记者24日从水利部全面建立湖长制新闻通气会上了解到,我国湖长制体系逐步建立健全,在1.4万个湖泊(含人工湖泊)设立省、市、县、乡四级湖长2.4万名,其中85名省级领导担任最高层级湖长。此外,还设立村级湖长3.3万名。 “各地各部门将湖长制纳入河长制工作体系,统一部署安排、推进落实和检查考核。”水利部副部长魏山忠在会上表示,各级湖长召开湖长会议,实地巡湖调研,务实开展河湖“清四乱”专项行动,实施湖泊管理保护专项行动。 据统计,各地实地巡湖调研超过30万人次。河南、江苏、湖北、宁夏等省份省级总河长带头巡查重要湖泊,现场督办湖泊突出问题,带动各级湖长守护“责任田”。2018年,安徽、云南等省各级湖长巡湖人均超过15次,福建、广东等省各级湖长巡湖分别发现问题873个、1098个,督促及时整改落实,推动湖泊面貌好转。 魏山忠表示,在全面推行河长制的基础上,在湖泊实施湖长制,对湖泊进行更严格、更有针对性的管理保护,取得初步成效。有的地方实施生态补水,改变湖泊常年干涸状况;有的地方实施退圩还湖,有效增加水面面积;有的地方实施水岸同治,水质恶化趋势有效遏制;有的地方建设亲水生态岸线,人民群众的获得感、幸福感不断提升。 下一步,水利部将指导督促地方压实湖长职责,打好河湖“清四乱”攻坚战,2019年年底前基本完成集中清理整治。指导加快湖泊管理范围划定工作,严格湖泊空间管控,坚持山水林田湖草系统治理,编制“一湖一策”,对湖泊实施精细化、网格化管理。同时,健全常态化暗访机制,强化问题整改和责任追究,指导地方加强湖长考核结果应用,进一步督促湖长履职尽责。

NCSD’s President Attended The 2nd China Energy Investment Development Forum

January 21, 2019 — The 2nd China Energy Investment Development Forum, sponsored by the Energy Investment Committee (”EIC”) of China Investment Association, was held in Beijing. Ding Zhimin, Deputy Director of the Legal System and System Reform Department of the State Energy Administration, Jiang Zhaoli, Deputy Director of the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Shi Dinghuan, Former Counselor of the State Council, and about 150 representatives from enterprises, industry associations and institutional investors in the energy sector attended the Forum. As an Executive Member of EIC Council, Mr. Eric Fang, and President of the National Center for Sustainable Development (“NCSD”) attend the Forum and received “2018 Outstanding Achievement Award” along with five other council members for their contribution in EIC’s development. The China Energy Investment Development Forum is a National Energy Exert forum established by EIC. The Forum aims to provide comprehensive understanding of current China’s energy development standing and the new measures taken by the government to implement the energy development and is to objectively predict the trend of energy investment development in China. EIC provides decision-making counseling to National Development Reform Commission (NDRC) and State Energy Administration for urban energy transformation and energy enterprise development planning and investment plan. This forum not only reviewed the energy development of China in 2018, but also analyzed and prospected the development trend of energy development and investment in 2019, a year of energy transformation, innovation and development in China. EIC will continue to serve as an industry bridge to lead enterprises in the industry to further understand the challenges and opportunities of energy sector investment and development in China and elsewhere, and to accelerate the establishment of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system with new breakthroughs in energy industry. “The work EIC has […]


来源:科普时报 科普时报讯(记者陈和利)1月20日,由中国投资协会能源投资专业委员会(以下简称能投委)主办的第二届中国能源投资发展论坛在京召开。国家能源局法制与体制改革司副司长丁志敏、生态环境部应对气候变化司副司长蒋兆理、原国务院参事石定寰等部门领导,及来自能源领域的企业、行业协会及投融资机构代表约150人参会。会议由能投委会长、国家信息中心原巡视员孙耀唯主持。 孙耀唯 中国投资协会能源投资专委会会长、国家能源局信息中心原巡视员 中国能源投资发展论坛是由中国投资协会能源投资专委会(简称能投委)打造的品牌论坛,旨在为有关部门和企业全面了解我国能源发展形势,准确把握有关政府部门贯彻落实能源发展战略的新举措,从而客观预测我国能源投资发展的趋势,为城市能源转型与能源企业发展规划和投资计划提供决策参考。中国能源投资发展论坛每年年初固定举办一届,力争在各方的支持下,将该论坛办成品牌、办出活力、办得有影响力。 陈清泉 中国工程院院士,电机、电力驱支、电动汽车和智慧能源系统专家 这次论坛不仅对我国2018年能源发展进行总体回顾,还对2019年能源与投资发展趋势进行分析展望,从天然气、光伏、风电、生物质等清洁能源市场总体分析,到中国电力市场、碳市场的建设与培育,邀请了电机、电力驱动和电动车专家陈清泉院士作了题为《创新驱动,高质量发展,迎接汽车革命和能源革命》的报告;邀请国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心首任主任李俊峰研究员对我国能源发展年度回顾及展望作了综述;邀请中国中化集团原总地质师曾兴球作了《中国天然气发展新思路》的报告。 张杰 中国投资协会能源投资专业委员会副会长兼秘书长 论坛还从能源行业细分领域和市场投资的角度邀请到华北电力大学中国能源政策研究中心主任王鹏教授作了《中国电力市场建设与现货市场主体培育》的报告;启迪清洁能源集团总裁孙斌分享了2019年清洁能源投资方向;能投委理事王淑娟、中国农业机械工业协会风力机械分会副秘书长余春平分别展望了2019年光伏市场与风电市场发展趋。会议还邀请了恩威泰科中国总经理刘小林介绍了生物质天然气项目的技术及投资,邀请古莲股权投资基金公司执行董事、总经理邵诗洋分析了区块链能源和碳市场。 2019年,是能源转型、创新发展的一年,能投委将充分发挥行业协会的桥梁和纽带作用,带领行业内企业深刻认识当前能源发展面临的重大挑战和机遇,坚持新发展理念,坚持推进高质量发展,坚持以深化供给侧结构性改革为主线,坚持深化市场化改革、扩大高水平开放,深入推进能源生产和消费革命,加快构建清洁低碳安全高效的能源体系,不断实现能源工作新突破。

The Secretary of the party committee of Zhenjiang Hi-Tech Zone met with NCSD’s President and the Director of ECPC under CASIC

Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province–November 9th, 2018. Mr. Zhan Lifeng, Secretary General of Zhenjiang Hi-Tech Zone met with Mr. Eric Fang, President of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD), Mr. Li Xiaolong, Director of Engineering & Construction Planning Center of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Limited (CASIC-ECPC). Mr. Zhan introduced industrial and manufacturing development of the City and the high-tech district in Zhenjiang city and there are many aspects of future cooperation between businesses large or small and he expressed his sincere thanks to NCSD for introducing business opportunities and continued to support Zhenjiang development. Mr. Zhan also commented on the potential partnership between CASIC and his organization for possible future. Mr. Fang expressed that NCSD will continue to play a bridge role between United States and China in promoting small business cooperation in investment, market access and technology development. and all parties agreed that the business environment in Zhenjiang is great and opportunity for promote high-quality development of Zhenjiang High-Tech Zone is the objective.. Mr. Li from CASIC made general introduction of the its industrial development programs, he also expressed that CASIC would exert its unique advantages in technology, talents, market and funding in the next step, and strengthen pragmatic cooperation with Zhenjiang High-tech Zone in new materials, new energy and other manufacturing technology fields, and make positive contributions to promote high-quality development of Zhenjiang High-Tech Zone.