

Muuzii Sign Agreement with ATS

June 8th, 2011 – Beijing, China – Muuzii announced today that it has reached a US marketing and sales cooperation agreement with Austin Tele-Services Partners, LP (“ATS”), a key partner in carrier relations, in April, 2011. ATS will serve as Muuzii’s exclusive partner in the United States and responsible for the marketing and distribution of Muuzii’s Chinese learning services through various mobile carries, such as AT&T, the largest mobile operator in the United States with 130 million mobile subscribers, including both enterprises and consumer customers. The corporation between Muuzii and ATS also covers the marketing and distribution to other international carriers such as Telstra of Australia, Telecom New Zealand and Mexico’s largest carrier Telcel. With the rapid development of Chinese economy, China has become the world’s second largest economy, more and more people are learning Chinese language and interests is growing all around the world. “We believe, Muuzii has taken an innovative initiative to fundamentally change the way of language learning. The cooperation between Muuzii and mobile carriers from various countries provides a low cost and effective alternative to the traditional way of language learning and training. This new paradigm shall accelerate the adaptation of Chinese language around the world ”, added Eric Fang, Chairman and CEO of Muuzii. ATS is the core partner of globally famous mobile operators such as AT&T, Telstra, and Telecom New Zealand. ATS has extensive experience in cooperating with mobile operators for many years and maintain a substantial data center resource in United States.


“WARM AND COLD, WE SHARE TOGETHER…A CIVILIZATION JOURNEY OF CLIMATE” (BEIJING, CHINA, April 20, 2011) – The National Center for Sustainable Development, a Washington, D.C. based 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization (“NCSD”) is proud to announce its participation in a first of its kind collaboration between China and the U.S., in the production of a documentary that the NCSD, as the international partner to China Central Television is co-producing with China Central Television, Science and Education Programming Center (“CCTV”) on the subject of global climate change that examines its historical record and its evolving impact on the earth’s environment and global populations. The title of the documentary is: “Warm and Cold We Share Together… A Civilization Journey of Climate” As part of its on-going capacity building efforts with the China Clean Development Mechanism Fund (“CDMFund”) under the China-U.S. Low Carbon Development Cooperation Program (the “Program”) for high-level bi-lateral cooperation between China and the U.S. on sustainable low carbon development, the NCSD is a key sponsor of the documentary, along with the China CDMFund, the State Council Information Office of the PRC, the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC”) and the China Meteorological Administration, and a co-producer of the documentary along with CCTV and Beijing Huafeng Group of Meteorological Audio & Video Information. On April 14, 2011, CCTV, in association with the NDRC and other sponsors, held a press conference in Beijing, China to officially announce the launch of the production of “Warm and Cold, We Share Together… A Civilization Journey of Climate,” a 12-episode TV series documentary that examines the history of the relationship between humankind and nature…global climate change and its evolving impact on the earth’s environment and global populations is an integral part of this history, and also the essential reason for the birth of this documentary. The […]

Muuzii Service launched with Sichuan Telecom

March 21st, 2011-Chengdu, China – Muuzii announced of launching its new product, namely mCool with Sichuan Telecom users in Chengdu today as part of Muuzii’s multi operator coverage implementation strategy for 2011. mCool was engineered and developed based on many years research and our customer feedback. mCool features round-the-clock highly accuracy full sentence translation, individualized real time question and answer, and Muuzii’s own Chinese English simplified mobile dictionary and fun English learning content on the go. mCool not only provides a revolutionary “Touch n Trigger” learning environment but also sets a new standard in transformation of an integrated mobile learning service aiming at extraordinary language and learning assistance, in vocabulary, grammar, translation, reading and writing during English studies. Rick Jin, the head of the product development added that “with mCool, users could send random questions or any content to be translated to the service number, he or she will receive highly accurate solution replies from mCool, a key feature that is only available to all mCool subscribers”. ‘We are most pleased to work with China Telecom Sichuan Branch to push our next generation integrated solution product into the student market. Sichuan Telecom is our second operator partnership following our successful partnership with China Mobile Sichuan Branch and it is part of our operator centric market access partnership strategy development. With Muuzii service, we help to extend and enhance current value added service at Sichuan Telecom targeting young subscriber groups. This is a win-win situation.’ said Eric Fang, CEO of Muuzii Technologies. The mCool service is a dynamic real time service that embedded real time dictionaries of millions of vocabulary entry covering professional fields of medicine, industry, chemical and computer information vocabularies and it is been updated on a real-time basis. This feature will help student in their daily studies, seeking […]

The National Center For Sustainable Development Attends The Bertelsmann Stiftung And The CHINA Center For International Economic Exchanges Cooperation Global Governance And Sustainable Economic Development Conference BEIJING, CHINA On November 10,2010

December 5, 2010, Washington D.C. – At the invitation of Bertelsmann Stiftung (“Bertelsmann Foundation”) and The China Center for International Economic Exchanges (“CCIEE”), the National Center for Sustainable Development (“NCSD”), represented by two of its Trustees, Mr. Damian Omar Valdez and Mr. Eric Fang attended the Global Governance and Sustainable Economic Development Conference in Beijing on November 10th. The China Center for International Economic Exchanges and the Bertelsmann Foundation held a very successful joint conference on Global Governance and Sustainable Economic Development on 10 November 2010 at the Beijing Hotel, China. Policymakers and experts from China and other countries gathered to discuss evolving global economic governance and chart new paths for more stable and sustainable global economic and financial architectures. The conference was an open forum for international participants to exchange ideas on equal ground. On behalf of the NCSD, Mr. Valdez served as a panelist at the conference on Global Development: Spurring Innovation and Sustainability. He joined other panelists, including Han Wenke, Director General, Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission of China (“NDRC”), He Jiankun, Vice Chairman, China Experts Panel on Climate Change, Director, Low-Carbon Energy Lab of Tsinghua University, and Mr. Denis Fred Simon, Professor, School of International Affairs, Penn State University. The panel was moderated by Mr. Alan Larsson, Chairman, Lund University and Former Finance Minister, Sweden. About the NCSD The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD), United States national 501 (c) (3), not-for-profit corporation, was founded and chartered in 2001 and reaffirmed as a public charity in 2006. The original mission of the NCSD was to pursue through demonstration projects – the economic benefits that accrue to local communities once positive environmental land use practices are in place that ensure standards of human health and safety. NCSD, working through its supporting organization […]

China’s first Mobile Learning Laboratory was established in Beijing

November 17, 2010 – Beijing, China – Muuzii announced today that it has reached an agreement with the country’s leading information and telecom institute, the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Software College to jointly establish a mobile learning laboratory at the University campus. This is the first of its kind of the application lab that will focus on mobile learning application research and development. Mr. Song Maoqiang, Dean of the Software College of BUPT, Mr. Wu Guoshi, Professor of Software College, Mr. Eric Fang, CEO of Muuzii, Mr. Tom Fan, Director of Technology of Muuzii, Mr. Damian Omar Valdez, Trustee of The National Center for Sustainable Development(NCSD) from New York,. And Mr. Fu Xianglin, Spokesman of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. attended the laboratory inauguration ceremony. Mr. Song Maoqiang addressed at the inauguration ceremony and said: ‘cooperate with Muuzii to establish this mobile learning laboratory will have profound effect on Software College’s development in the future. Muuzii, as a company, and BUPT, as a research and education institution, will both benefit from this cooperation. The university-enterprise cooperation model will incubate more and more innovative talents for teleommunications and information technology field.’ Mr. Tom Fan, represented Muuzii’s technical team introduced Muuzii’s technological vision and application research and development history to the faculty members and students at BUPT. Mr. Eric Fang, CEO of Muuzii, added at the ceremony that Muuzii’s market success and achievement was largely contributed through our technical advancement and continues market research and development. “There is no better partner, other than BUPT that we would want to be with and share our success and together to innovate into the future of mobile learning through joint efforts of research and development. Mr. Fang introduced the Muuzii’s global marketing vision and innovative development strategy, and shared his 20 […]

Xuekun Fu, Deputy Director of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Administrative Committee Visits Muuzii

September 29, 2010 – Chengdu, China – Xuekun Fu, Deputy Director of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Administrative Committee accompanied by Chang Su and Tao Weng, the Director of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Innovation Center, visited Muuzii on Sep 29, 2010. Ms, Fang Ling (2nd from right), President of Muuzii with Mr. Xuekun Fu (2nd from left), Deputy Director of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Administrative Committee, Mr. Chang Su (1st from left) and Ms. Tao Weng (1st from right), Directors of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Innovation Center Ms. Fang Ling, President of Muuzii, presented company vision and development status to Mr. Fu and his delegation during his visit and after carefully listened to the company presentation, Mr. Fu congratulated Muuzii’s great achievement both on technology and business in such short two years period. He added: “The Muuzii multilingual learning and translation solution advocates a true innovative development that to be encouraged by Chengdu government and Hi-tech Zone”. On behalf of the Hi-tech Zone and Chengdu government, “we will continue to support Muuzii company and its innovative development”, Mr. Fu further stated. “Muuzii benefited from the perfect public service system in Hi-Tech Zone and strong policy support from Chengdu government since beginning. We envision that through our development combining support from the hi-tech zone and Chengdu government, Muuzii will be able to grow its business which will set the foundation for Muuzii’s establishment of international multilingual solution service center in Chengdu aiming to bridge cross boarder communication without the language barrier through Asia and North and South Americas market.” Fang Ling Said. About Muuzii Technologies Muuzii was founded in the Chengdu, Sichuan and with its offices located in Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing and Houston, Texas. Muuzii’s established its international service center in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone in 2008. Today, after two years of service, product and technology development, […]

NDG Holdings/Sinoaccess Delegation Visited Xinhua Company

NDG Holdings/Sinoaccess Delegation Visited Xinhua Company NDG Holdings/Sinoaccess Delegation Visited Xinhua Company Beijing, CHINA, September 21st, 2010 – NDG Holdings/Sinoaccess Delegation visited Xinhua Water Resources & Hydroelectric Investment Corporation in Beijing today. Xinhua Company is one of the largest professional water resources and hydroelectricity projects investment companies under the Ministry of Water Resources of China. Mr. Ding Shuangyue, President of Xinhua Company, Mr. Eric Fang, CEO of Sinoaccess Corporation and Co-founder Nicaragua Development Group Holdings S.A., Mr. Javier Lacayo, Founder and President of Nicaragua Development Group Holdings S.A. (“NDG Holdings”) and Mr. Mauricio Godoy, Vice President, Project and Market Development of NDG had a meeting to present a few of the hydroelectric projects that are ready to be developed in Nicaragua, and discussed the potential cooperation in the area of renewable energy and especially in hydroelectric projects in Nicaragua. Mr. Eric Fang expressed that all parties are very pleased on this great successful beginning, and looking forward to the great cooperation achievements between the NDG and Xinhua in the energy sector in Nicaragua. Start from this successful initial contact, NDG Holdings, Sinoaccess Corp., and Xinhua Company will jointly develop hydroelectric projects in Nicaragua, which will not only help to generate economic growth through job creation in Nicaragua, but also bring Xinhua Company a very successful future in Nicaragua. Nicaragua has a renewable energy generation potential of more than 4,500 MW distributed in Hydroelectricity, Geothermal, Wind Energy and Biomass. At this moment the Government of Nicaragua has established as its priority to grant concessions to generate energy from renewable sources.

NCSD was invited to the Davos Forum

Sep 13th, 2010 – Tianjin, China – World Articulated Naturality Web (ANW) Forum, the sub-forum of the 2010 summer of World Economy Forum (Davos) held in Tianjin World Financial Center, Tianjin, China on Sep 13, 2010. As founding member of this forum, The National Centre for Sustainable Development (NCSD) brings its low-carbon economy vision and initiative to the ANW forum to promote the sustainable low carbon technology development in the augmented reality technology field. NCSD have been worked for many years to promote the low carbon economy through innovations and technology advancement. With the world experts in mobile communications and professionals from augmented reality industry come together in Tianjin to shared the low carbon technology innovation and energy saving ideas in a new frontier of augmented reality technology development under the World Economic Forum, the launching of ANW is very timely and NCSD is proud to be the founding member of this forum. Articulated Naturality Web fuses augmented reality (AR) and the Internet together. ANW technology services include video scene feature identification, image processing, multi-sensor coordination, real-time positioning, wireless access, media information, digital publication, entertainment and other fields of augmented reality. The combination of these components coupled with the Internet and mobile Internet technology will form an emerging industry. The organizers of the World ANW Forum have decided the annual meeting was necessary to support the standardization and commercialization of the ANW according to the international practice’s mission to drive the commercialization, internationalization, and futurization of the ANW throughout the world. Eric Fang, Trustee and Vice President of NCSD stated at the forum:”With the development of augmented reality industry, people will have unprecedented experience in both daily social and professional life. This technology innovation apply to the mobile world will fundamentally change people’s life style and behavior and bring more […]

Muuzii Technologies Participated in World Articulated Naturality Web Forum as a founding member at the World Economic Forum’s 4th Annual Meeting, ‘Summer Davos’

Sep 13th, 2010 – Tianjin, China – World Articulated Naturality Web (ANW) Forum, the sub-forum of the 2010 Summer Davos held in Tianjin World Financial Center on Sep 13, 2010. As one of the founding member of the ANW Forum, Muuzii was invited to share its vision in mobile application of Augmented Reality. With the experts in augmented reality, mobile communications and IT industry come together from the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Israel, Singapore, Australia and China, the push for the next generation of augmented reality technology into the real application in mobile environment will open up a whole new emerging technology and applications market. Articulated Naturality Web fuses augmented reality (AR) and the Internet together. ANW technology services include video scene feature identification, image processing, multi-sensor coordination, real-time positioning, wireless access, media information, digital publication, entertainment and other fields of augmented reality. The combination of these components coupled with the Internet and mobile Internet technology will form an emerging industry. The organizers of the World ANW Forum have decided the annual meeting was necessary to support the standardization and commercialization of the ANW according to the international practice’s mission to drive the commercialization, internationalization, and futurization of the ANW throughout the world. As a pioneer in the field of mobile learning, different from the other research institutions participants, Muuzii is to put the “augmented reality” technology into a daily mobile use. When being asked about how to apply the “augmented reality” technology to mobile learning, Eric Fang, the CEO of Muuzii said: “Combination of Augmented Reality and Mobile Internet will make mobile learning more vivid and transform individual learning behavior in the way that we have not experienced. Muzzii has been research on application and utilizing our cutting-edge technology to allow our users to experience a […]

NCSD had meeting with Madame He Bangjing at Washington, D.C.on enhancing promotion of bilateral cooperation towards low carbon economic development

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 7, 2010 – The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) announced today the visit to Washington, D.C. of Madame He Bangjing, Chair of the Strategic Development Committee of the China CDM Fund and former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance of China for talks with the NCSD Board of Trustees and several prominent Washington officials to enhance promotion of bilateral cooperation towards low carbon economic development. Madame He and her delegation including high-ranking members of the China CDM Fund met in the morning with senior officials of the World Bank and in the afternoon with former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger and Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, former Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs. Madame He Bangjing, Chair of the Strategic Development Committee of the China CDM Fund, and Mr. Chen Huan, Deputy Director General of the China CDM Fund met with former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger. “The meetings with Sandy Berger and Paula Dobriansky helped to reinforce the message that there are vital channels of communications at the NGO and business level which can serve to clarify and accelerate work done at the government to government level,” said Mitchell F. Stanley, President and Trustee of NCSD. Madame He’s message of the need to begin tangible implementation of the goals of the China-US Low Carbon Development Cooperation Program was clear and immediate. “China’s environmental, sustainability, and low carbon development goals are consistent with its worldview as a developing country with a population of 1.4 billion people, many of whom still live in rural poverty,” said NCSD Trustee Damian Omar Valdez, “and deserve access to the basic benefits of the economic development and innovation the developed world has enjoyed for over a century, and will surely lead to economic development returns for both China and globally.” As often […]

Muuzii Announce New Partnership

May 31st, 2010 – Beijing, China – Muuzii announced new partnership with ViVi Magazine in Beijing. ViVi Magazine is the leading fashion magazine in China targets young and cool generation of girls from age group of 15-30. The new partnership will allow Muuzii to offer fresh and cool fashion contents in its product line, which will help ViVi to further its mobile strategy while Muuzii will benefit from added new contents for its mobile learning service. Mr. Eric Fang, the CEO of Muuzii Technologies added ”together with ViVi, we are innovating a new type of fashion content and program that will be suitable for mobile viewing and our goal is to combine more cool fashion leaning series to allow more young kids to learn not only English, but with fun experience. It’s an exciting time for Muuzii and ViVi work together to provide world class innovations and superior content for customers.” Furthermore, Muuzii also unveils its vision for the future of Mobile Internet and a roadmap that integrates products and services from Mobile Fashion Learning Solutions following Muuzii’s cooperation agreement with ViVi. Muuzii firmly believes the new partnership will fast track Muuzii’s development and provide an invaluable opportunity for customers to experience the latest products in Mobile Fashion Learning.

Muuzii: Completion of New Office in Chengdu

May 25th, 2010 – Chengdu, China – April 30, 2010 was a historic day for Muuzii. After six months’ preparation, its brand new office was opened in Chengdu. The new facility will provide a unique and comfortable working space and environment for our employees and host our national call center and customer service center. Our goal is to stimulate innovation idea, product development, and most important is our customer satisfaction service as part of Muuzii’s ongoing expansion. Two years ago, pioneers from mobile learning field came together to establish Muuzii Technologies. Now with the support of the customers and partners, Muuzii has become a leading player in the field of mobile learning and its customers’ base rising up to 2 million in just short of one year commercial operation. We firmly believe the new office will fast track Muuzii’s development and help Muuzii to achieve its long term objective. The designing of new office in Chengdu is primarily based on the international standard of energy efficiency, with the eyes to have enough office space for Muuzii’s future expansion. The new call center delivers more interactive experience to the customers. Furthermore, the prime service of the Chengdu Hi-tech Zone also enabled Muuzii higher ability to offer better application. Muuzii Chengdu Office Address: Rm.505, Block B, No.5 Gaopeng Avenue, Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, P.R.China Tel:028-85199884 Chengdu Hi-tech Zone (CDHT), ratified by the State Council in 1991, is one of the earliest state-level hi-tech industrial development zones, an ISO14000 National Model District and one of the six pilot zones established under the project of “The World’s First-class Park Initiatives” sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology.