Today, the leadership of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) from Washington, DC, Atlas Renewable from Houston and the Energy Investment Professional Committee – Investment Association of China (IAC) in Beijing were honored to meet with the Dr. Gang Chu, Chief Operating Officer of China International Capital Corporation at the Corporation’s headquarters in Beijing. Dr. Chu was joined by his team members who oversee international operations and various financial market activities.
The purpose of the meeting was by way of introduction and invitation to discuss Atlas Renewable, NCSD and EIPC activities with China’s premier investment bank (CICC) focusing on both NGOs efforts to assist with renewable energy production, deployment, storage and related “Greentech” such as hydrogen development and relationship building undertaken in both Mongolia and Saudi Arabia by both organizations.
Mongolia has lagged in sustainable development due to a shortage of consistent, reliable and affordable electric power. With both NCSD/EIPC NGO’s efforts aimed at creating an efficient and coordinated roadmap to solve these issues: this effort will substantially benefit from CICC’s financial expertise.
The meeting, lasting two hours, was a good start in a wide-ranging discussion of potential collaboration within China and in NCSD, Atlas Renewable and EIPC development activities currently underway in Saudi Arabia with a “Zero Carbon” industry park supported by a standalone microgrid: a demonstration project format to assist the Kingdom in its efforts to generate high quality employment opportunities for its citizens. Also, with such “no carbon” innovation companies, many from China and soon from the United States, the development is aligned with Saudi Arabia’s Policy for 2030 Vision and “Net Zero 2060” Development. Additionally, the Industrial Park is designed to attract products with significant market potential for export to the Middle East, Europe and North Africa.

Dr. Eric Fang, Vice Chairman of NCSD and its Chief Executive Officer commented, “CICC is an extraordinarily gifted group of problem solvers which can be a valuable partner to any group looking to support China’s 30/60 policy goals through “decarbonization of energy infrastructure.” “The work of both NGOs in Saudi Arabia along with Atlas Renewable puts a premium on solving not only today’s energy problems but avoiding problems for the next generation and the one after that,” Fang noted.
“Any substantial program involving energy transition needs the support of financial counterparties of skill, substance and capacity,” commented NCSD’s Chairman Mitchell F. Stanley, “the speed of the transition to a no carbon world is measured in part by the physical assets that produce clean power being available and flexible in both quantity and quality.” The discussion of the EIPC “gameplan” by its General Secretary Zhang Jie was received with support by CICC leadership and staff.
Since this was an initial meeting, many details have now been conveyed over to a working group of Atlas Renewable, EIPC, CICC and NCSD for coordination with the relevant Saudi Arabian ministries and agencies.