The delegation of Sweet Briar College (SBC) and the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) met with Jing Dunquan, Vice Chairman of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (CSCLF) on February 25th, 2016.

Jing Dunquan extended his welcome and introduced CSCLF’s all kinds of works to the delegation. Jing Sunquan hoped, through mutual deeply understanding, both sides would set up a closely cooperative relations in the fields of civil exchange and education for woman, in order to promote the relations of both countries.


Mr. Stone, president of SBC and Mr. Stanley, Chairman of NCSD also shared their opinions, saying that through visiting Soong Ching-Ling’s lifetime exhibition, they have a comprehensive idea about the great lady, and her success is a model to the education of woman. They hoped both China and US should learn from each other on woman’s education and female leadership. They also hoped to have more opportunities to communicate face to face with Chinese students through the cooperation with CSCLF, and discover potential students to study in SBC, in order to develop SBC to an internationalized college.


Both sides had a deep discussion on the Sino-US exchanges and female leadership and promised to further develop their cooperation and exchanges in future.



Sweet Briar College (SBC) is a traditional female college, which dedicates to help girls to explore their potential. Education is one of the outstanding subjects in SBC, and arts and social science are also welcomed by the students.

The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) is an NGO in US. It dedicates to promote Sino-US exchanges and developments to deepen mutual understanding and better active and harmonious ties of both countries.


