(Beijing, CHINA, February 25, 2010) – On December 16, 2009, the National Center For Sustainable Development (“NCSD”) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, International Institute for Monitoring and Management of Environment and Resources (“UNIDOIMR”) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding for a strategic alliance to cooperate on and support the China-U.S. Low Carbon Development Cooperation Program (the “Program”) for systemic cooperation between China and the U.S. on sustainable low carbon development. The Program was officially launched by the NCSD and the China CDM Fund Management Center (“CDM Fund”) in November 2009.

Under the agreement, UNIDOIMR has entered into a strategic alliance with the NCSD to provide various forms of assistance and support to NCSD to realize and maintain the Program, including assistance in organizing conferences and activities, recommend relative cooperative partners and potential funding organizations, assist in fund raising efforts, and join in research projects and similar activities consistent with promoting the NCSD’s Program.

This important and significant relationship with UNIDOIMR is in keeping with the NCSD’s heritage and mission as a U.S. not-for-profit organization in fostering sustainable economic development through the promotion of pollution abatement and other low carbon demonstration projects that lead to recognition of methods and practices that can be adopted as a matter of public and commercial practice and which will lead to reductions in the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

The objectives to be demonstrated by the NCSD Program, and that will be further supported through the strategic alliance with UNIDOIMR, are to improve communities globally with examples of sustainable low carbon development through the sponsorship of relevant comparative studies on policy, demonstration and scale-up of investment projects with market-based mechanisms and financial instruments, the purpose of which is to promote sustainable economic and low carbon development by participating in, supporting and potentially financing projects in the U.S. and China that avoid, reduce, or sequester anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and that employ existing, improved and new technologies in service in the marketplace related to energy savings, energy efficiency, clean and renewable energy and other kinds of climate-friendly actions.

The NCSD is a U.S. based 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization focused on sustainable low carbon economic development and global climate change. The NCSD has launched the China-U.S. Low Carbon Development Cooperation Program through its strategic alliance with the CDM Fund. The mission of the Program is to explore and develop new non-governmental cooperative channels and mechanisms, and promote sustainable low carbon development and pragmatic cooperation in association with bilateral governmental cooperation between China and US. The NCSD will support policy study to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and will harness the resources and concrete efforts of Chinese and U.S. government-based agencies, business, industry, academia and non-profit communities of both countries and channel them into public-private initiatives promoting capacity building, the development of low carbon funding models and mechanisms, sustainable economic development and demonstration investment projects, and practical applications in low carbon, climate resilience and clean-energy technologies. The NCSD is inviting US industry and financial institution collaboration to join and support the Program implementation with UNIDOMR.

UNIDOMR is an organization established by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization which is dedicated to environmental protection and resources recycling. The mission of UNIDIMR is to raise the awareness of environmental resource crisis among governments and people worldwide; to promote the application of new ideas in the ecology industry and to establish an economical chain of recycling. UNIDOIMR commits itself to accelerate the adoption of new techniques in environmental protection and resources utilization through practical efforts and solutions to promote the sustainable use of existing resources in a responsible manner. The ultimate goal of UNIDOIMR is to establish a harmonic new order for an international recycling economy so that a win-win solution can be achieved through a framework of sustainable development.

In direct support thereof, UNIDOMR is pioneering new collaboration on sustainable development, eco-industry project demonstration and recycling throughout the economic development chain. To this end, UNIDOMR’s work will seek to establish and take a global lead in:

  • Developing a Management Certification Standard and system in the field of environment and resources recycling, a Healthy Working Environment Certificate and the Certificate of New Technology or Products in Energy;
  • Making evaluations on the current situations of environmental protection and resources recycling;
  • Enhancing the sustainable development capabilities of all countries worldwide;
  • Building a database regarding environment and resources projects and intellectual property;
  • Designing and managing a comprehensive and accurate e-business platform for technology and projects transfers between nations and for facilitating cross-nation investments;
  • Establishing and managing an Environment and Resources Development Fund; coordinate with international finance organizations, investment institutes and public fund departments to provide financial services and capital for developing countries in the world in implementing innovative technology and projects;
  • Speeding up the development of the global recycling industry;
  • Setting up the World Environment and Resources Prize to encourage and to award organizations that have made substantial contributions to the world environment protection and resources recycling;
  • Cooperating with other countries and different regions to provide professional training in the environmental protection field to cultivate advanced talents and to accumulate managerial experiences for the recycling industry.

Under this work program and application development, UNIDOMR will cooperate closely with governments, regional organizations and business and industry entities to provide support and assistance on innovative technology and projects and exchange, as well as information service and fund collaboration.

Mr. Li Jianjun, Director of UNIDOIMR in Beijing added “We are very happy to work with NCSD on its low carbon development program and plan to jointly initiate some of the key demonstration projects supported by the CDM Fund in China”.

“With the official joint launch of the China-U.S. Low Carbon Development Cooperation Program by the NCSD and the CDM Fund in November 2009, we are now focusing our efforts on identifying and partnering with relevant groups and are pleased and honored to be working with such a prestigious and effective organization as UNIDOIMR,” commented Damian Omar Valdez, one of the founding partners of the Program in association with the CDM Fund, and a Trustee of the NCSD. “We believe that our respective groups have similar and complimentary missions and objectives and believe that a [public-private] initiatives such as what w are embarking on with UNIDOIMR, and that we now have in place with the CDM Fund, provide an idea framework for our respective groups to achieve real and measurable progress on the challenges presented by climate resiliency and sustainable low carbon development, and we are looking forward to working with UNIDOIMR on demonstration projects that we are now in the process of identifying,” added Valdez.

For more information on the NCSD visit

For more information on the CDM Fund, visit

For more information on UNIDO and UNIDO-IMR visit and
