China-US Carbon Neutral Technology Innovation Summit

Released on August 1st , 2021, Sinoaccess News

Sinoaccess Group, The George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations, The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) and China Investment Association’s Energy Investment Professional Committee (EIPC) co-hosted a very first online video Summit on 16th of June, 2021 Beijing time.

At present, the threat of global climate change is escalating, and extreme climate disasters are becoming more frequent. For example, the United States suffered a blizzard and extreme cold at the beginning of the year, which led to a large-scale paralysis of power infrastructure, seriously affecting the lives of all the American people. During the COVID-19 pandemic global greenhouse gas emission reductions have been significantly curtailed at the cost of untold billions of dollars of lost economic activity.

China’s pledge of “carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutral by 2060” has been elevated to a national strategy, the United States has rejoined the “Paris Agreement”, and both China and the United States and the international community have become increasingly focused on a future of decades to come to fight the climate crisis. On April 16, 2021, China and the United States issued the “China-U.S. Joint Statement Addressing the Climate Crisis.” Both parties agreed that “China and the U.S. are committed to cooperating with each other and working with other countries to resolve the climate crisis.” The change from “climate change” to “climate crisis” marks the urgency and magnitude of the realization of the climate issue and a need for combined global crisis coordination. 

The conference brought industry experts, academia researchers, business groups together to address the challenges and future cooperation under the Net-Zero and Carbon Neutrality theme. More than 2000 industry participants from both US and China jointed the video conference with a simultaneous translation.

About Sinoaccess Group

Since the establishment of Sinoaccess Corporation in the late 80’s, the Sinoaccess Group has provided strategic advisory work in venture structuring, investment, business development and market access for major U.S. and China companies in respective markets. Our China office in Beijing was established in 1991. For over 30 years, we have provided global businesses, large or small, valuable advice for successfully entry into the constantly evolving China market. In the past three decades, major companies like Scientific Atlanta, AT&T Tridom, GE Capital Spacenet, Spar Aerospace of Canada, Tektronix, L-3 Communications, Comsat RSI, Orbcomm International, ANDE, ENFOS Arkenol Renewable. Our expertise is well established in the areas of clean energy, environmental management, healthcare, biotech, and water resources management.

About NCSD

The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) is a platform for Green Innovation and incubation for small and medium-sized high-tech and innovative manufacturing industries in the United States. The platform purpose is to cooperate with China’s energy and manufacturing transformation and upgrading development strategy, thus to help to provide business exchanges services for Chinese and American small and medium-sized enterprises in energy innovation technology, manufacturing technology, management technology, market application, investment and financing. For many years, NCSD has focused on the field of sustainable development, promoted the sharing of sustainable development concepts and practices between China and the United States, and has been committed to the application of new humanity-centered technologies to demonstrate how to solve the rising demand for natural resources and the reduction of non-renewable resources.

About Bush China Foundation

The George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations seeks to advance U.S.-China relations in ways that reflect the ethos, spirit, and values of President George H. W. Bush. Through wide range of highly innovative programs, the Bush China Foundation promotes the late president’s life-long view that the U.S.-China relationship is the most consequential bilateral relationship in the world and that we must strive for a relationship that is functional, constructive, results-oriented, mutually beneficial and politically sustainable.


Since the “Zero Carbon China” initiative was launched by the China Investment Association’s Energy Investment Professional Committee (EIPC) in January 2020, more than 50 industry organizations have joined the initiative as sponsors. The Initiative aims to explore and implement the China solutions to the “Dual Carbon” initiative (Meaning, 2030 Carbon Peak and 2060 Carbon Neutrality). EIPC’s foremost objective is to focus on the development and application of leading technologies and key common pursuits in the carbon neutral constituency. EIPC stands ready to provide resources supporting the research, development and application of new technologies, promoting the progress of applications, leading such work to achieve cost effective solutions to support the dual-carbon goal.
