2022 China-US Carbon Neutral Technology Cooperation Summit was successfully held in Shanghai

In November 2022, the 5th China Import Expo will be held in Shanghai as scheduled. The 2022 (3rd) International Conference on Carbon Neutrality and Green Investment (referred to as the “Conference”) is a high-level support for the Expo with the theme of “Carbon Neutrality”. In order to further expand international cooperation and exchanges, the China-US Carbon Neutrality Technology Cooperation Summit specially opened by the conference was successfully held on the morning of November 7, 2022. The summit was organized by the China Investment Association Energy Investment Professional Committee, George Bush US-China Co-organized by the Relationship Foundation and the National Center for Sustainable Development of the United States, and co-organized by China Tianying Company. By building a high-level exchange platform for green manufacturing enterprises and innovative technologies between China and the United States, this summit provides a pragmatic cooperation opportunity for advancing the cooperation agreement reached between China and the United States at COP26 in 2021.

In the guest speech session of the summit, Mr. Li Qiangmin, Secretary General of Charhar Institute and former Chinese Consul General in Houston, and Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Chairman of the National Center for Sustainable Development of the United States, delivered speeches. Mr. Li Qiangmin pointed out that the world today is facing profound changes unseen in a century. China and the United States have a special and important responsibility for maintaining world peace and security. China and the United States should join hands to cooperate with sincerity, jointly meet challenges, and provide the greatest anchor for world peace, stability, development and prosperity. In the field of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change, China and the United States have huge common interests and room for cooperation. The summit focused on Sino-US carbon neutral technology cooperation, sincerely hoped that energy cooperation could become a highlight of Sino-US cooperation under the new situation, and hoped that CEIC could mobilize and organize more Chinese enterprises to carry out substantive cooperation with their American counterparts. We look forward to more institutions and friends like the Bush Foundation for US-China Relations, the National Center for Sustainable Development, Mr. Neil Bush and Mr. Mitchell Stanley, who can take care of China-US relations and promote China-US relations. U.S. cooperation will bring China-U.S. relations back to the right track as soon as possible, for the well-being of the Chinese and American peoples, and for the well-being of people all over the world. Mr. Mitchell Stanley said that today’s “China-US Carbon Neutral Technology Cooperation Summit” provides an important communication opportunity for experts from China and the United States, and “innovation” will be the key word of the summit and what we seek for cooperation Highlights: The National Center for Sustainable Development of the United States will adhere to our unchanging philosophy and goal for more than 20 years: to promote practical cooperation between China and the United States in the field of sustainable development.

The special guests of this summit are heavyweight experts from China and the United States: Yan Shengjun, chairman of China Tianying Group, and Bill Gross, founder of American Creative Lab. In his speech, Yan Shengjun introduced the experience of Sino-US cooperation in the field of new energy: Inspired by the mission of the carbon neutral era, China Tianying and Energy Vault of the United States have formed a strategic partnership and signed a strategic cooperation on January 30, 2022 The agreement has officially become a community of destiny for the promotion and application of gravity energy storage technology. At present, the two parties are working closely together to build the world’s first 100 MWh gravity energy storage project in Rudong, Jiangsu, and have made extraordinary progress. Taking gravity energy storage as the starting point and entry point, China Tianying has opened up the development of a wind-solar hydrogen storage and ammonia zero-carbon industrial park integrating wind and solar power generation, gravity energy storage, and green hydrogen and green ammonia production by integrating upstream and downstream resources. path. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, China Tianying will cooperate with the Tongliao Municipal People’s Government of Inner Mongolia and the China Investment Association to jointly build a gigawatt-level wind-solar hydrogen storage and ammonia zero-carbon industrial park in Tongliao. The cooperation between China Tianying and Energy Vault has brought new vitality to the construction of the new energy system of the two countries, and is the epitome of mutual benefit and win-win situation between China and the United States in the fields of economy, trade, environmental protection and energy under the new situation. Bill Gross, as the founder of a successful innovation and entrepreneurship incubator in the United States, focused on sharing the ideas and experience of technological innovation: in the face of rapid and radical changes in global multi-factors, innovation models have become more diversified. I think a lot of innovation can be integrated. Based on this idea, in 1996 I created the Creative Lab. I also learned from Edison’s idea, that is, he turned many different ideas into many famous companies in the laboratory, such as the telephone company, the light bulb company, etc., so I also hope to build a laboratory, in the laboratory There are many innovative ideas, and we turn the best ideas and products into companies. Over 26 years, Idea Lab has supported the formation of more than 100 companies, 50 of which have gone public, and we have raised a total of $4 billion for these companies. There are five factors that must be adhered to for innovation success: first, identify the big background trends, and second, seek good solutions. The third is to find the right time, which is the key. The fourth is implementation. There are many challenges and even doubts in the implementation process. We must persevere to the end. The fifth is based on the execution and implementation of Moore’s theorem, which is related to the rapidly developing computing power. At the same time, I think cooperation with China is very important. Only when these two countries cooperate can we bring benefits to the global human beings.

The summit invited 10 well-known technology inventors and entrepreneurs from China and the United States to share their experience and achievements in green manufacturing innovative technologies.

In the field of innovative energy storage technology, Energy Vault (EV) in the United States and CLP Fengye in China made introductions. John Gregory Jung, President of EV Company Solutions, introduced EV Company as the most advanced comprehensive energy storage solution company, including long-term energy storage solutions (more than 4-12 hours)—gravity energy storage system; short-term storage Energy solution (1-4 hours) – battery energy storage system; and integrated energy storage management and control system based on artificial intelligence. The three major technical systems of EV have been under construction in China, the United States, Australia, Saudi Arabia and other countries, and will provide users with a worry-free energy + energy storage turnkey system. Shen Zhiyu, deputy general manager of CLP Fengye, introduced the company’s technical path for large-scale renewable energy production of green hydrogen, mainly the hydrogen production route of electrolyzers, which has exceeded 1,000 cubic meters per hour and a scale of 5 megawatts. On a larger scale, one cubic meter of hydrogen can currently use 4.3 to 4.4 kWh of electricity, which has greatly reduced the cost of electricity for hydrogen production. Technological innovation is being continued to achieve green hydrogen production as soon as possible.

In the field of solar thermal/storage technology, Heliogen of the United States and Xizi Energy of China made introductions. Bill Gross, founder and chairman of Heliogen Corporation, introduced breakthrough solar energy technology for long-term energy storage and green hydrogen production. The closed-loop AI tracking technology invented by the company realizes the collection of solar heat, and the temperature after collection can reach 1000-1500 degrees Celsius. Provides the industrial sector with the production of steam, energy and green hydrogen through efficient, economical, zero-carbon energy storage technologies. The smaller mirror surface size (1m*1m) and lower technical requirements of the reflector allow it to be mass-produced and greatly enhance the overall economics of the project. Compared with the traditional CSP system, the cost is 1000 times lower, and the floor space is 1/35 of the traditional technology. Liu Keliang, R&D Center of Xizi Energy, shared the practice of using green electric molten salt energy storage technology to help zero-carbon industrial parks. Through the technology of green electricity and molten salt energy storage, the energy consumption problem of the park is solved. There are two main energy consumption modes in a park. One is to use back pressure to generate electricity and add steam generated by back pressure to supply heat. Another mode is when the grid demand response, the back pressure machine and pure coagulation machine are integrated. The project parameters are that the molten salt temperature is about 290 to 560 degrees, the electric heating molten salt load is 150MW, and the annual gas supply capacity of the entire project is 840,000 tons, which can save 105,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 300,000 tons.

In the field of digital manufacturing/compliance management, American EDN Company and China Mingyang Smart Energy Company made introductions. Christopher Marley, founder and CEO of EDN Corporation in the United States, introduced that EDN’s manufacturing digital platform is guided by ESG compliance, providing manufacturers with a mature and intelligent digital basic software management platform. The platform provides low-carbon or zero-carbon digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises, transparent management of energy consumption in industrial production processes, reducing resource waste, improving production efficiency and yield, reducing operating costs, and integrating existing decentralized information management platforms. Provide a powerful unified digital management platform. The EDN platform acquires and generates high-quality and accurate data in manufacturing and supply chain processes through a series of digital perception technologies, providing enterprises with an ESG-compliant decision-making environment, including how to avoid environmental crises and protect natural resources in manufacturing and supply chains , reduce carbon pollution and waste of energy resources, save water, improve worker safety, improve health, and increase profitability. EDN is currently used by customers in more than 36 countries in the global original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and sub-supplier supply chain. EDN will also provide high-quality services for many Chinese manufacturing enterprises in the process of digital transformation guided by the ESG framework. Wang Lihe, Vice President of China Mingyang Smart Energy Co., Ltd., introduced that Mingyang, as a manufacturing representative of China’s wind power industry, has achieved a single wind turbine of 16 MW and double-head operation in offshore wind power, and has developed an offshore floating wind turbine that can make In the future, wind turbines will be deployed to the depths of the ocean to generate electricity. At the same time, Mingyang is experimenting with offshore wind-fishing integration technologies and solutions. Challenges such as the stability of floating wind turbines in response to typhoons have been solved thanks to important innovations in the digital management of design, manufacture and operation of power generation. Mingyang has grown into a digital wind power manufacturing company.

In the field of agricultural carbon reduction technology, Climate Robotics of the United States and China National Energy Biopower Company made introductions. Jason Alambrough, founder and CEO of Climate Robotics in the United States, introduced that its innovative technology is to pull out the remaining straw and soil roots through large-scale mechanical equipment, quickly achieve high-temperature carbonization, and then return to the land to increase the nutrition of the land. and carbon sequestration, this innovative technology will play an important role in reducing carbon from crop biomass. Zhuang Huiyong of China National Energy Biopower Company shared his outlook on the prospects of biomass in China: first, agriculture may be a major battlefield for carbon storage in the future; A technical route with the lowest cost after hydrogen. Third, China’s 1.8 billion mu of land, if the organic matter per mu of land is increased by 1%, it can add about 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide energy storage in ten years. This potential can be added to the ocean. And wetlands will be even bigger.

In the field of new materials, Cruz Form Bio of the United States and China National Building Materials Private Equity Fund Management Company made introductions. Toby Corey, executive chairman and chief operating officer of Cruz Form Bio, USA, shared the technology of degradable/recyclable foam packaging materials. How to use degradable and recyclable materials to build a recyclable earth home has become the focus of the world. We were the first company in the U.S. to offer degradable, recyclable foam packaging, focusing on innovations in plastic recycling. We use raw materials that do not contain any petroleum, and the use of foam is also environmentally friendly and green. Generally, it can achieve 97.9% biodegradation in soil in 60 days or less. Biodegradable foams have long existed, and the challenge is that degradable foams are very expensive to manufacture due to high equipment costs. We have solved the problem of equipment cost, so that the production cost of degradable foam material can be greatly reduced compared with polyethylene products. Our products can be customized according to needs, and now we have provided products to a large number of customers with a bright future. Jiang Yang, general manager of CNBM Private Fund Management Company, introduced the technological innovation of the team led by him as the chief scientist in zero-carbon/negative-carbon building materials, as well as the broad market prospects of the products, including cement energy storage batteries, negative energy storage materials for basic building materials Carbonization, prefabricated transformation, and photovoltaic marble materials, etc.

Neil Bush made a concluding speech for the summit. He said: I am very honored to be invited to participate in today’s summit. I am very happy to meet my old friend Ambassador Li, and I am very happy to meet and discuss with other important guests and experts online! Our world is at a critical moment when it comes to climate change, the United States has sustainable development goals, and more and more countries are now implementing their sustainable development goals Progress varies, but societies around the world should work together to share best practices. I have listened to so many speeches from Chinese and American experts today, and I have been greatly inspired, and I have more confidence in the ability of human beings to deal with challenges! It is a very great goal for China to achieve carbon neutrality in 30 years and 60 years. It is hoped that China and the United States can achieve more cooperation at the global level. My father, George Bush, firmly believed that China and the United States are two world powers with huge potential for cooperation. I think this is the right direction! We are working with Tianying to build the first EVx system in Rudong, China, and I believe that with some efforts like this, we can achieve more energy goals. At the same time, the speech at the conference today also showed that China has very strong manufacturing capabilities, and many parts and products made in China are exported to the United States and other countries in the world. I believe that although there will be some incompatible factors in geopolitics at the government level of China and the United States, we can still do our best to make joint efforts for the well-being of all mankind, such as cooperation in renewable energy. I would like to thank the Energy Investment Professional Committee and Mr. Zhang Jie for his comments. I learned a lot this evening. I believe our cooperation is a particularly gratifying thing. Thank you again.

The exchanges between Chinese and American experts at the summit fully demonstrated that China and the United States have extensive space for cooperation in various fields of climate change and green development. China has many outstanding large-scale listed companies in new energy and environmental technologies, with strong manufacturing capabilities, broad markets and financing capabilities. The United States has many advanced and innovative new energy and environmental technology companies and global markets. There is a lot of room for complementary cooperation between China and the United States. The holding of the summit has greatly promoted the exchanges between Chinese and American counterparts and provided the possibility of complementary cooperation.

The summit was hosted by the Energy Investment Professional Committee of the China Investment Association, the Bush Foundation for US-China Relations, and the National Center for Sustainable Development. These three institutions are professional associations/think tanks and are familiar with the policies, markets, The technical, economic and legal environment, the three institutions have been working together for more than ten years to devote energy and make great contributions to the pragmatic cooperation in the field of sustainable development between China and the United States, which shows that professional associations/think tanks are promoting multi-level cooperation between China and the United States. important role played.
