2012 China Polysilicon Technology & Market High-level Forum Held in Beijing

Beijing, China | July 19, 2012 – 2012 China Polysilicon Technology & Market High-level Forum (the “Forum”) was held on July 19, 2012 in Beijing.

The Forum was jointly hosted by China Energy Investment Net (“CCEI”) and The National Center for Sustainable Development (“NCSD”), and co-sponsored by Poly Plant Project, Inc. (“PPP”).

Senior Management of CCEI, NCSD and PPP

Terry T. Kunimune, Chairman and Founder of PPP, gave a welcome speech at the Forum. “I would like to thank each person participating in this conference and hope you will be rewarded with valuable information and mutually beneficial relationship with PPP” added Mr. Kunimune, “I believe that PPP’s expertise and experience can be an important component of helping China’s future polysilicon production industry. We, PPP, want to be a partner with China and its future solar Industry.”

Terry T. Kunimune, Chairman and Founder of PPP, gave an opening speech

“I’m honored to be here to congratulate the opening of this very important event on behalf of the NCSD. This conference is about the future: China is the world leader, as evidenced by the participants here, in recognizing that sustainability of the world’s resources, particularly energy, through practical innovation.” Eric Fang, Trustee and Senior Vice President of the NCSD gave a congratulatory address, “Renewable energy is a critical building block of the current and future global economic prosperity. We are encouraged by the great number of interested groups and individuals represented at this conference and believe that much good will come to all from the work done here.”

Eric Fang, Trustee & Senior Vice President of the NCSD, gave a congratulatory address

The Forum mainly focused on the global and China’s polysilicon technology innovation and market development trends, with in-depth discussion related to the market access, demands and development strategies and trends, government policies and regulations, innovative polysilicon and solar cell technology, as well as, how to design, build and operate polysilicon plants as a system, importance of process analytics, integration and QMS for successful high-quality polysilicon production, and the importance of process control, equipment and contamination management in product handling to meet the national environmental requirements, etc., to provide references for decision making for the sustainable development of China’s PV industry during the period of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015).

Mr. Shi Ding-Huan, Board Chairman of The Chinese Renewable Energy Society addressed the Forum

Mr. Li Jun-Feng, Director of the National Center for Climate Strategies and Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association, gave a keynote presentation on the Current Status and Trends of the Global and China Polysilicon Industry

At the Forum, Mr. Jan Maurits, President and Co-founder of PPP with 40+ years experience in the polysilicon industry, made a keynote presentation on the Outlook of the World PV Market and Technology to 2030 and why China should continue to support its PV industry and polysilicon production. “Although the polysilicon industry experienced sharp fluctuations in market, the overall trends is still up and will have a bright future.” Mr. Maurits said, “China is ideally poised to position itself to be the World’s dominant polysilicon supplier.”

Mr. Jan Maurits, President and Co-founder of PPP, gave a speech

This very important high-level industrial conference at this very critical and crucial time for the polysilicon industry plays a positive role in improving China’s polysilicon technology and promoting the healthy and stable development of China’s polysilicon market.

About CCEI:

China Energy Investment Net (“CCEI”), hosted by Energy Development Research Center of China Investment Association, is the first professional web focusing on releasing and distributing the information of energy investment projects and energy-related policies, rules and regulations in China. CCEI’s goal is to construct China’s largest database of energy projects and energy professionals. Taking the idea of “Information Achieves the Future”, CCEI provides a comprehensive information exchange and communication platform for energy enterprises and professionals who pay close attention to the energy development. CCEI aims at providing accurate and timely energy investment and construction information of all regions in China; Strengthening the communication and exchange among the domestic and foreign investment and construction-related enterprises; Building an information bridge for energy projects investors, energy projects owners, and equipment manufacturers and suppliers. CCEI is committed to provide consulting service for energy projects investment and financing, policies, rules and regulations, investment opportunity, and other related business, covering 7 areas of energy: electric power, coal, oil and gas, renewable energy, energy saving, environmental protection, and energy transportation. For more information on CCEI, please visit www.ccei.org.cn.

About NCSD:

The National Center for Sustainable Development (“NCSD”), a national 501(C)(3) not-for-profit corporation was granted its status in 2001 and reaffirmed as a public charity in 2006. The mission of the NCSD is to pursue through demonstration projects – the economic benefits that accrue to local, provincial and national communities once sustainable resource use practices are in place that ensure standards of human health and safety and promote economic prosperity. The NCSD, working through its land reuse supporting organization, the Brownfields Stewardship Fund (“BSF”) has helped local communities and state governments to achieve community renewal and job creation while at the same time directly and effectively confronting environmentally contaminated sites that blocked the path to renewal and economic benefit. Working with Federal and state regulators, sites previously deemed too complicated and costly to mitigate were, through example, shown to have a solution; sometime a relatively simple and cost effective solution. With the same approach through demonstration projects, the Board of Trustees has as of September 2009 approved augmenting the NCSD’s mission to include our most important global public policy issue – climate change and low carbon development. In late 2009, the NCSD jointly launched the China-US Low Carbon Development Cooperation Program (“China-US Program”) in conjunction with the China Clean Development Mechanism Fund (“CDM Fund”), a Chinese not-for-profit organization established by the Government of China and with its operational entity managed by the Ministry of Finance of China. For more information on the NCSD, please visit www.ncsdusa.org.

About PPP:

Poly Plant Project, Inc. (“PPP”) is based in Burbank, California, and provides the photovoltaic and semiconductor industries with advanced polycrystalline silicon production solutions. PPP provides advanced, proven process technology, world-class equipment systems including its CVDR-500 high-efficiency CVD Reactor system, consulting, engineering, training, project support and field services required to build and operate and optimize plants producing high-purity electronic grade polysilicon material for the semiconductor and photovoltaic (PV) industries. For more information on PPP, please visit www.polyplantproject.com.
