
美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(Sweet Briar College)和美国国家可持续发展中心代表团到访

2016年2月25日,美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(Sweet Briar College)和美国国家可持续发展中心代表团一行10人来到宋庆龄故居参观。虽然故居正处于闭馆修整时期,但还是为这批特殊的客人专门打开了展厅。代表团成员仔细地参观了宋庆龄生平展和原状陈列展,时不时提出自己的看法和见解与故居工作人员进行交流。大家很喜欢这座典雅、庄重的大花园,对宋庆龄一生所做的贡献表示非常敬佩。参观结束后,中国宋庆龄基金会党组成员、副主席井顿泉亲切会见了代表团一行。 美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(Sweet Briar College)和美国国家可持续发展中心代表团参观故居 领导与代表团集体合影留念 Original:

Muuzii® Sponsors WWII 70th Anniversary and Celebration of Diversity & World Peace Event

Muuzii is a Sponsor and Official Mobile Language Translation Service Provider for event celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the end of WWII and celebrating the cultural diversity of Houston. HOUSTON – Oct. 28, 2015 – PRLog — Washington, DC (October 26, 2015) – Muuzii®, Inc., the world’s most universal and flexible mobile language translation and language learning service, announced today that it is the Official Mobile Language Translation Service Provider and Sponsor for the “WWII 70th Anniversary and Celebration of Diversity & World Peace” event in Minute Maid Park on November 7, 2015.  The event, hosted by Southern News Group and the International Trade Center, is being held to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II and to celebrate the many diverse international cultures that have become an integral part of Houston. Muuzii® Founder and CEO, Eric Fang stated, “We are very excited and honored to be part of this tremendous event that honors the end of the most widespread and devastating and deadliest war in history.”  He added, “Muuzii®’s mission is to promote global sharing by empowering people to communicate with each other.  Muuzii®’s platform allows anyone to translate between English and 40 of the world’s leading languages just using their mobile phones to promote mutual friendship and understanding.” Mr. Wea Lee, Chairman of the Sothern New Group and Founder of the International Trade Center stated, “Celebrating Diversity will reflect the international cultures that have come to be an engrained part of the very essence of Houston. We are not only the energy capital, but are a major international melting pot of what makes Houston what it is today.  This event in Minute Maid Park will attract thousands of ethnic groups from multiple backgrounds including Jewish, Asian, Latino and African and they will represent the […]

Muuzii Presents China Night At Dupont Circle, An Evening Of Chinese Music And Calligraphy On September 18, 2015

WASHINGTON – Sept. 14, 2015 – PRLog — Washington, DC (September 13, 2015) – Muuzii®, Inc., the world’s most universal and flexible mobile language translation and language learning service, announced today it will host “China Night at DuPont Circle” on Friday evening, September 18, 2015 and share with attendees the beauty of Chinese music and teach attendees how to write Chinese calligraphy.  The event is being co-hosted with the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD), a national 501(C)(3) not-for-profit whose mission is to harness the resources and efforts of Chinese and U.S. government-based agencies, business, industry, academia and not-for-profit communities of both countries and channel them into public-private initiatives promoting capacity building, sustainable economic development and investment projects, and practical applications in low carbon, climate resilience and clean-energy technologies and environmental remediation and redevelopment technologies. “We are truly excited to host this event at the nation’s capitol,” said Eric Fang, Founder and Chairman of Muuzii®.  Our company originally launched service in China with the goal of providing an easy-to-use educational tool for teachers and students to easily translate between Chinese and English and we quickly grew to more than 6 million subscribers.  We are proud of our Chinese heritage and wanted to use this event to highlight Muuzii®’s English-Chinese language translation capabilities and allow attendees to use Muuzii® to write Chinese Calligraphy on canvases we are providing. Mr. Fang further added, “We have been amazed at the warm acceptance of Washington, DC’s business community to sponsor this event with us.  We have created a tremendous event with the help of our sponsors that includes the DuPont Festival, the Embassy Row Hotel, the Washington Dunhuang Guzheng Academy, ArtJamz, The Free Canvas and the China-US Chamber of Commerce.  We invite all of Washington, DC to join us on that evening, between 6:00 […]

Muuzii Named Official Mobile Translation Service Provider For The 2015 World Police & Fire Games

June 26, 2015 – WASHINGTON — Washington, DC (June 26, 2015) – Muuzii, Inc., the world’s most universal and flexible mobile language translation and language learning service, announced today it is the Official Mobile Language Translation Service Provider for the 2015 World Police & Fire Games, an event that brings 12,000 professional, public safety athletes from 70 countries competing in 60+ sports to qualify for over 1,600 medal events. The Games begin tonight with the Opening Ceremony at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC. , and continue until July 5, 2015. The games will take place in Fairfax County, Virginia and other locations throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. “We are truly excited by the opportunity of being the official mobile translation servicer provider for these Games and helping to bridge the communication challenges for the athletes, the sport officials, the staff, the volunteers and the attendees to these Games,” said Eric Fang, Founder and Chairman of Muuzii. “These Games are not only a truly magnificent global sporting event, but these Games also remind us of the tremendous strength and determination and courage and sacrifices these men and women make everyday in the performance of their jobs.” Eric Fang, Muuzii Founder/Chairman Showing Muuzii to the Chinese WPFG Delegation About The World Police & Fire Games The World Police and Fire Games (WPFG) is a biennial athletic event, open to active and retired law enforcement and fire service personnel throughout the world. The WPFG Federation is an arm of the California Police Athletic Federation (CPAF), an American non-profit organization.   Original:

Business Travel QuikTips: Muuzii real-time translation service

Some business travelers head off on the road for familiar places. But others travel the world. And while visiting new far-flung places can be interesting and exciting, it can also be challenging if you don’t speak the local language. In the past, when I’ve traveled overseas to countries where I didn’t speak the language, I always made sure I had a translation guide handy, or access to some translation applications on my iPhone. But I recently came across a new translation option that might be interesting to business travelers who have to cope with real-world translation issues. This Business Travel QuikTip features an overview of Muuzii real-time translation services, via an interview with Eric Fang, the CEO of Muuzii. (This article is part of a series of Business Travel QuikTips, in which I explore or introduce readers to a business travel-oriented solution, product, service, or person.) Tell me a little bit about your translation service Muuzii offers the only real-time, free-form translation service delivered via SMS and MMS and available 24/7 on any device and operating system. Because it is not an app, subscribers do not need to have a Wi-Fi or Internet connection. This is important when traveling to places with limited or no Internet connection. It works on any mobile device with texting capability. The subscription service runs on 2G and higher telecom wireless networks. Who needs translation services? Doesn’t everyone in the business world speak English? While many people around the world make it a priority to speak English to better their employment prospects, not everyone you encounter on a trip overseas speaks English. Below is a testimonial from one of our business customers that is fluent in English and Spanish, but needed help with Chinese: “My real  story about Muuzii. I was in a mall in […]

Muuzii® Receives Rave Reviews At The 2015 World Police & Fire Games

Washington, DC (July 2, 2015) – Muuzii®, Inc., the world’s most universal and flexible mobile language translation and language learning service, receives rave reviews for its mobile translation service during the 2015 World Police and Fire Games (WPFG).  The event, taking place in Fairfax County, Virginia and other locations throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, lasting through July 5, 2015, has brought 10,000+ professional, public safety athletes from 68 countries to compete in 60+ sports to qualify for over 1,600 medal events.Jerome I. Williams, Director of Medical and Protocol for the WPFG, and Battalion Chief for the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department, stated, “We have been extremely happy with Muuzii®’s mobile language translation solution and it has worked perfectly for our communication needs to provide important information to the athletes, staff and volunteers attending the Games from all over the world.”  He added, “The simplicity of using Muuzii® for translation on any mobile phone by just texting is amazing; the support in communications for our international athletes and visitors has been outstanding with Muuzii.” Muuzii’s universal usage for all ages Angie Carrera, Partnership Developer and Volunteer Resource Coordinator for the Office of Public Private Partnerships – Fairfax County Government, further added, “Working with Muuzii®, both the mobile translation solution and the team supporting the Games has been tremendous.  Since Muuzii®’s translation service is not an ‘app’ and simply works by texting, our staff and volunteers have become experts in translation using Muuzii in a few minutes and have been very effective in supporting the success of the Games.”  She added, “Yesterday, I had one volunteer who needed to communicate with someone in Hungarian.  I told her to follow the wonderful instruction card Muuzii® designed for our volunteers and after a short pause, she said, ‘that was certainly very easy.’ […]

AT&T offers subscription-based language translation service via Muuzii

June 25, 2014 | By Mike Dano – AT&T Mobility (NYSE: T) today launched a new language translation service for Spanish and Chinese speakers through a new partnership with startup Muuzii. The service starts at $2.99 per month and allows users to send texts in either Spanish or Chinese and have the messages sent back to them translated into English. The service, powered by Muuzii, is promoted as providing “real-time, free-form, accurate translations in seconds.” Cindy Davis, Muuzii’s CMO, explained to FierceWireless that the company started working with AT&T in 2011 and inked a master licensing agreement with the carrier to launch the service. The company will offer two plans through AT&T: Muuzii Message, which costs $2.99 per month and will be billed to a subscriber’s AT&T bill. The service allows users to send a text message to a short code and have it returned in text in English. Muuzii Speak, which costs $3.99 per month and will be billed to a subscriber’s AT&T bill. The service allows users to send a text message to a short code and have it returned in both text and an audio file in English. “We’re not an app. As you know, the carriers don’t make any money from apps,” Davis explained. Instead, she said, the service runs through AT&T’s network and is available to any phone–including feature phones–that can send text messages. Davis said Muuzii and AT&T will jointly promote the service. She said the company is working to ink agreements with other U.S. wireless carriers. And to generate interest in its service, she said the company will return free translations to anyone who texts to 95997 through July 15 as part of a World Cup promotion. AT&T’s new partnership with Muuzii is just one of the carrier’s speech recognition and translation efforts. […]

AT&T Offers Muuzii’s SMS-Based Translation

June25, 2014 – AT&T has launched one of the more innovative services to come through its developer program: Muuzii’s translation service that uses SMS-based text and audio to break down the language barrier. AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) is exclusively offering the service with a monthly subscription, although Muuzii is currently offering a free 14-day trial during the soccer World Cup. The startup’s CMO, Cindy Davis, says it will soon be available across other operators in the US through a third-party aggregator. The service made its way out of AT&T’s Developer Program back in December in a soft launch, but Muuzii CEO Eric Fang says today marks the official launch of the new and improved service. Interestingly, Fang says the carrier’s developer program was great to work with, but that it took two years to work through the traditional channels at AT&T to get up and running. “They were easy to work with but took a long time to get on their network,” Fang said. “AT&T was also looking at other products, and, internally, they had to go through the whole exercise of evaluating businesses and consumer drive. The most important thing is if you are looking at our services, we generate revenues and help carriers generate revenue as well.” AT&T takes a cut of the subscription service Muuzii offers, ranging from $2.99 to $4.99 per month, and takes care of the billing process. A Typical Translation Query… After a quick set up, Muuzii will translate anything, like this completely normal and useful query, instantaneously through texting a short code. There are many translation apps on the market, but what makes Muuzii unique — besides that it has the backing of a major operator — is that it uses the phone’s native texting app for translations. After a few clicks to […]

2012 China Polysilicon Technology & Market High-level Forum Held in Beijing

Beijing, China | July 19, 2012 – 2012 China Polysilicon Technology & Market High-level Forum (the “Forum”) was held on July 19, 2012 in Beijing. The Forum was jointly hosted by China Energy Investment Net (“CCEI”) and The National Center for Sustainable Development (“NCSD”), and co-sponsored by Poly Plant Project, Inc. (“PPP”). Senior Management of CCEI, NCSD and PPP Terry T. Kunimune, Chairman and Founder of PPP, gave a welcome speech at the Forum. “I would like to thank each person participating in this conference and hope you will be rewarded with valuable information and mutually beneficial relationship with PPP” added Mr. Kunimune, “I believe that PPP’s expertise and experience can be an important component of helping China’s future polysilicon production industry. We, PPP, want to be a partner with China and its future solar Industry.” Terry T. Kunimune, Chairman and Founder of PPP, gave an opening speech “I’m honored to be here to congratulate the opening of this very important event on behalf of the NCSD. This conference is about the future: China is the world leader, as evidenced by the participants here, in recognizing that sustainability of the world’s resources, particularly energy, through practical innovation.” Eric Fang, Trustee and Senior Vice President of the NCSD gave a congratulatory address, “Renewable energy is a critical building block of the current and future global economic prosperity. We are encouraged by the great number of interested groups and individuals represented at this conference and believe that much good will come to all from the work done here.” Eric Fang, Trustee & Senior Vice President of the NCSD, gave a congratulatory address The Forum mainly focused on the global and China’s polysilicon technology innovation and market development trends, with in-depth discussion related to the market access, demands and development strategies and trends, […]

ENFOS Signs MOU with SGAI to Provide Environmental Business Management Service

Beijing, China | June 11, 2012 – ENFOS, Inc. (“ENFOS”) today announced that a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) has been signed with Beijing Shougang Automation Information Technology Co., Ltd. (“SGAI”), the automation and information technology company of Capital Steel Group, committing the two partners to the development of a multi-faceted long-term relationship conducting environmental business management activities in China. Mr. Craig Modesitt, CEO of ENFOS and Mr. Guan Shaobo, GM of SGAI Under the MOU, SGAI will serve as a reseller and exclusive cloud provider of the ENFOS Software as a Service remediation application (the “ENFOS Service”) in China. SGAI and ENFOS will work together to build an information-sharing platform for environmental remediation business management, including data management, business process management, performance management, and develop customized features to satisfy Chinese users’ requirements. SGAI and ENFOS will make unremitting efforts for the implementation of Capital Steel’s remediation and redevelopment Beijing project, to achieve high quality with low cost in a proper time limit. “In China, relocating industrial enterprises from central districts of large cities has become an irreversible trend for the economic development in China. Most of the abandoned sites left behind by the relocation of industrial enterprises are likely to be seriously polluted and have high potential risk. Therefore, remediation and redevelopment of these former industrial sites is an urgent priority in order to protect the urban environment. Capital Steel’s relocation has been exerting far-reaching influence on the regional layout and the development of the domestic steel producers to promote structural adjustment in the steel industry in China,” said Mr. Guan Shaobo, President of SGAI. He further expressed that “Now, it is the right time for ENFOS to enter the China market. ENFOS will help us manage information to best serve the interests of all stakeholders for Capital Steel’s remediation […]

Nicaragua Delegation Met with Director Wang Wenke of Bureau of Comprehensive Development of the MOWR in Beijing

Beijing, China | March 2, 2012 – A Nicaragua delegation led by Laureano Ortega, son of Nicaragua’s President Ortega, paid a visit to Xinhua Water Resources and Hydroelectric Investment Company (“Xinhua”), one of the largest professional water resources and hydroelectric project investment companies under the Ministry of Water Resources of China (“MOWR”), in Beijing today. As a follow-up to the previous meeting between SinoNicaragua and Xinhua held on September 21, 2010, Laureano Ortega and members of Nicaragua Delegation met with Mr. Wang Wenke, Director of the Bureau of Comprehensive Development of the MOWR, and Mr. Ding Shuangyue, President of Xinhua Hydropower to deepen the bilateral cooperation in the area of renewable energy especially for the hydroelectric project between China and Nicaragua. Mr. Ortega introduced that Nicaragua has a renewable energy generation of more than 4,500MW distributed in hydroelectricity, geothermal, wind energy, solar, biomass, etc., accounting for 50% of the total energy sources of Nicaragua. According to Nicaragua’s 25-Year National Energy Strategic Planning, clean energy will accounts for 100% of Nicaragua’s energy sources by the end of 2017. “At this moment, the government of Nicaragua under the leadership of Nicaragua’s President Ortega has established as its priority to grant concessions to generate energy from renewable resources,” said Mr. Ortega, “Nicaragua’s President Ortega believes that Nicaragua shall insist on sustainable development of energy industry and will give full support on renewable projects to establish strategic relationship with China to facilitate economic growth, not only for Nicaragua, but Central American.” Mr. Ortega also expressed their sincere invitation to Mr. Wang and Xinhua team to visit Nicaragua at the meeting on behalf of the President Ortega. Mr. Wang Wenke added “China’s hydroelectric installation exceeded 2 billion MW by the end of 2011, and China has a strong ability in the area of hydroelectricity from […]

Muuzii Launched Apps Service

June 8th, 2011 – Beijing, China – Muuzii announced the launch of its series apps products, namely mWord in 9 different levels with various mobile application stores, including China Mobile’s Mobile Market store, China Telecom E-store, Google Market, and in Beijing. By the end of May, 2011, mWord series of Muuzii Apps have become the top viral apps downloads on China Mobile’s Mobile Market since its launch in January, a total of 468,295 downloads from users. mWord series is known for its practical and recreational nature and is recommended by ChinaDaily and 3 other top mainstream network media in China. mWord is a vocabulary challenge app game series designed to help English learners to memorize words with proven mobile learning methods, incorporating music, pictures, and interactive movement to increase vocabulary assimilation and retention. mWord is not only consistent with “the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve” and “Lightening learning Method”, but also embodies the edutainment learning method. With an innovative scientific product design and active user friendly screen interface, mWord made vocabulary learning a much easier task by playing the game, thus, improving study efficiency.