Water Resources

Sinoaccess leadership is keenly aware of the fragility of the earth’s fresh water resources so often taken for granted. True the seas and oceans have water readily available yet not readily useable in the vast quantities modern society and agriculture demand. Water is a commodity essential to human life and in the era of Climate Change, water is being reallocated by the weather in ways human society never imagined.
Natural aquifers and river water are at most risk because they have always been available until recently with no imputed economic value yet realized as having the life and death of communities around the world. The complex realization that water resources are invaluable while lacking in the aggregate monetary value forces us all to recognize the “new natural resource economics” which is coming into focus. Water is in us, around us and without water life cannot exist.
Sinoaccess is very active in the use of water as a feedstock for the new “Hydrogen Economy.” Water is the most pervasive molecular structure elements of all life on earth. Water is two molecules of Hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen: split them and you have pure hydrogen and pure oxygen. With the feedstock of the Hydrogen Economy so pervasive: Sinoaccess is dedicating much of its efforts to find applications where there is fuel with no carbon!