Deputy Major of Jining Meeting with NCSD Chairman

Jining City, NCSD, October 27th, 2017

October 27th, 2017, NCSD team led by Mitchell Stanley visited Jining City, Shangdong province at the invitation of the city. The purpose of the visit is to looking into the possibility to establish a strong partnership between the City and NCSD and utilize NCSD’s resource to support Jining city’s new plan of economic development including agriculture, education, environment, renewable energy and bio-technology development to help to drive the next five year development plan by the city. Mr. Ren Qinghu, Deputy Major of Jining city hosted a key discussion with Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Mr. Eric Fang. During the visit, the team also had a very productive meeting with Deputy Secretary-General of Jining Municipal Government, Mr. Zhang and some senior officials from the Municipal Agricultural Bureau, the Municipal Forestry Bureau, the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, the Municipal Bureau of small and medium enterprises. The meetings centered on the development, cutting-edge technologies and existing issues facing Jining in the fields of agriculture, energy, environmental protection, education and others and how NCSD could be helpful in these areas by providing advisory in policy, technology, sustainability and practice experience. NCSD expressed its willingness to bring some cutting edge agriculture technology that will help farmers to solve the agriculture wastes and the reutilization of these wastes to make it into a productive energy source. NCSD also expressed its support in bringing some key agriculture biotechnology to help enrich the local soil for sustainable development of the land and working together closely with the Jining Agriculture Institute.


On October 28th, NCSD and Jining City has executed two Memorandums of Strategic Cooperation with the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Jining City, and Jining Agricultural Bureau & Academy of Agricultural Sciences. According to the MOUs, the cooperative parties will carry out various exchanges and cooperation in the fields of agriculture, energy, environment, and education.

(words and photo by NCSD)




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