
The Company

About SinoAccess

Sinoaccess is an American financial and business advisory services Company organized and with its operating headquarters in Houston, Texas. Celebrating its thirtieth year of working to enable American companies, large and small to successfully enter and conduct their business in the biggest market in the world: China. Despite the everchanging global landscape, the vast majority of the functions of commerce and trade remain stable and profitable. Increasingly, Chinese companies both large and small are turning to Sinoaccess to understand new markets, which they can participate in yet have not yet acquired the knowledge they can rely upon to fully make the corporate decision to commit to a new international venture.

Chinese businesses which despite superior international ability in many sectors still need good opportunities to expand and serve profitable markets. China has many decades of experience in dealing with the North American market and consumer but surprisingly little with regard to important markets in which Sinoaccess operates, as well. For example, Saudi Arabia currently appears very promising for China firms but requires unique skills, accurate current information and a knowledge of business protocols in order to manage expectations successfully.

Sinoacccess has for over thirty years been the firm retained by major US corporations to navigate the complexities of China’s evolving policy, laws, taxation matters and government regulation both local and national to be successful. With the maturity of the Chinese market Sinoaccess has now pivoted to helping Chinese firms, which are thoroughly vetted with strong footings, to establish themselves with best “market access potential” in the commercial space of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is a new venue with a philosophy that aligns with Sinoaccess in believing that well prepared and informed companies are the best candidates to succeed in new markets to attract the best local partners and reliable suppliers. Upon this foundation and with its strategic advice: Sinoaccess can successfully advocate on behalf of its clients.

Specialized Provider of Services

Strengths & Four Areas of Special Interest

Sinoaccess is a specialized provider of services, advice and practical business-oriented solutions to international companies which are in the process of adapting to the now very clear environmental proposition before them: Climate Change.  Sinoaccess has advised companies around the world for the last two decades on this now recognized global need.

Most international companies cannot simply shut down and remake themselves overnight into a new production profile based upon expensive “CAPEX” investment: often unaffordable and unavailable. Sinoaccess takes the path of small changes that have big impact and often it may be wise to adopt the small “additive” change that reshape the environmental footprint of a manufacturing business.

Sinoaccesss working with its partner, the National Center for Sustainable Development in Washington, DC promotes the policy of industrial resilience: preserve the ability to produce with a program of “managing” the effects of climate change. This can often occur through adoption of techniques and adjustments that bring industry and commercial activity into line with accepted environmental norms and regulatory requirements. Sinoaccess follows the path of 4 key themes for all examining industry for compliance with accepted practices.

4 Key Themes


Top Line Goal and Objective for manufacturing industry and power generation and a goal of all nations complying with Climate Change mitigation objectives.

Green Energy Innovation

Goal to promote low carbon solutions often more affordable and reliable from renewable sources and pass thought value added to products made with renewable energy.

Environmental Solutions

Promote profitable reuse of resources in line with “circular economy” goals: for sustainable resource use and management.

Water Resource Management

Sinoaccess goal is to embed this theme in all we do. The last ten years have seen Climate Change impact on the weather and human population as global and catastrophic. Water use availability and restrictions will denominate the next 5 years of manufacturing, agriculture, finance and human migration.

Management Team

Dr. Eric H. Fang, MD

Founder and Chairman of the Board

Mitchell F. Stanley

Vice Chairman of the Board and President

Steve Chien

Chief Information Officer

Fang Ling

Co-Founder and President, China Operations

Prof. Herman Dai

China Market Advisor

Chun Min

Vice President, Finance and Investment