BRI (Belt Road Initiative)

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a major and transparent initiative with which China shares opportunities and pursues common development with the rest of the world. BRI aims to enhance connectivity among countries and regions, promote interconnected development, and create new space for global growth. This initiative has won wide international endorsement in the past five years. China has signed BRI cooperation documents with over 140 countries and international organizations, and a large number of cooperation projects have been launched under this initiative.

The BRI is an open platform for cooperation. It is guided by the principle of consultation and collaboration for shared benefits. It is a transparent initiative with which China shares opportunities and pursues common development with the rest of the world.

BRI was initially designed to connect China’s modern coastal cities to its underdeveloped interior and to its Southeast, Central, and South Asian neighbors, cementing China’s position at the center of a more connected world. Its scope now includes a Digital Silk Road intended to improve recipients’ telecommunications networks, artificial intelligence capabilities, cloud computing, e-commerce and mobile payment systems, surveillance technology, and other high-tech areas, along with a Health Silk Road designed to operationalize China’s vision of global health governance. Hundreds of projects around the world now fall under the BRI umbrella.

BRI (Belt Road Initiative)

BRI is nothing new, its roots go back a millennium when trade was slow and predominantly overland yet, many trade routes still follow the same general internal directions. BRI like 30/60 is about cooperation and sustainable world where trade is an occupation open to all: to participate or not as and when each nation decides for itself.

BRI is an international development program which is increasingly being shaped by China to accommodate national interests to participate with it in global 30/60 goals. China understands that for many BRI has rested upon the concept of trade only.  BRI 2.0 has now understood the value of an overarching theme: a great shared global need. The plan of 30/60 is one that most will agree is worthy of being that “great shared global need.” BRI is now the effort to fight climate change with the tools at hand and the expertise China has gained from decades of internal investment in its own infrastructure. China has the capacity and willingness to help others because it is indeed a shared planet: to help one is to help all.

BRI is a network of connections China established for trading relationships: many long standings some relatively new but it is the network of ideas such as 30/60 which is most important. In our interconnected world many value ideas that are demonstrated to work and produce the results described. Perhaps the BRI which harkens back to the world of a thousand years ago has now found a new meaning and job in the 30/60 BRI context. The flow of ideas that work is the greatest testament to the value of cooperation in the face of major global change!